Crystal Healing Courses

By Mariza Halliday - Last update

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What is Crystal Healing?

Crystal healing is a type of alternative therapy that involves using gemstones to bring balance to an individual’s life and mind.

Crystals are said to have a stable and unchanging energy pattern, each with a unique frequency and energy field, or resonance that gives them special properties. As a result, they act like tuning forks helping bring harmony to the very unstable energy field of the human body when needed.

What 3rd level courses are available?

Universities and colleges in Ireland are offering Crystal Healing courses in the following subject areas:

  • Diploma in Crystal Healing – Learn more about crystal healing and its importance and its history. You will be trained on how to use crystal healing to open up chakras and cleanse auras.
  • Certified Accredited Crystal Healing Practitioner Diploma Course – This course will cover an extensive range of information about the crystal kingdom, the history of healing with crystals, how crystal healing works, colour vibrations, and chakra healing.
  • Diploma in Crystal Reflexology – Learn the techniques of gently kneading the reflexes parts of the feet by the use of a crystal wand to improve balance, circulation, and the natural healing abilities in an individual.
  • Accredited Crystal Fairy Healing Practitioner and Crystal Fairy Card Reader Diploma Course – The Crystal Healing Course with the Crystal Fairies is a step to reconnect with those elemental beings that you used to dance with as children, whose magic you felt when you played in the woods and watched the lights sparkle off the water.

Studying Crystal Healing in college

Many Crystal Healing courses take place over a few weeks to 1 year depending on the course and modules selected. There are also part-time courses and night courses available so you can be sure to fit in your studies no matter what your schedule is like.

Courses will cover theory work through lectures, assignments, tutorials, and taught modules. Assessments will take place continuously with written examinations and practical assignments combined to achieve a qualification.

You could also consider work experience or a work shadow in the industry. Try to gain work experience in a spa or clinic by contacting Crystal Healers in your local area and ask to shadow them during patient consultations. Relevant work experience is a good way of demonstrating a genuine interest in the field and is regarded favorably by employers. 

Work Experience will not only allow you to obtain a deeper knowledge and understanding of the industry, but it will also give you a chance to do some essential networking with other industry professionals and gain valuable contacts for the future.

Career options

After completing a course in Crystal Healing you will be able to get started in a career that uses specific knowledge of Crystals and their properties and uses.

As a Crystal Healer, you’ll take a holistic approach to treat patients, looking at the underlying causes of the illness and not just the symptoms, and will prescribe crystals to be used alongside other treatments and medicines where necessary.

Most Crystal Healers are self-employed and you’re most likely to set up your practice or work out of a complementary health clinic or spa-type environment, working as part of a team with other alternative health practitioners. These can include acupuncturists, shiatsu practitioners, and aromatherapists.

Working hours will depend on whether you are self-employed, employed by a company with set business hours, or if you are contracted to various facilities or companies. The hours are usually full-time, Monday to Friday, although you may need to be flexible to suit your clients’ needs. For example, you may choose to work some evenings or weekends. You can work either full or part-time.

Related jobs include:

  • Crystal Healer
  • Crystal Therapist
  • Massage therapist
  • Chiropractor
  • Yoga instructor
  • Reiki practitioner
  • Acupuncturist
  • Aromatherapist
  • Homoeopath
  • Osteopath
  • Doctor of Chinese Medicine
  • Tai Chi or Qigong Instructor
  • Biofeedback practitioner
  • Holistic skincare specialist
  • Kinesiology or movement therapy instructor

Further study

After completing a course in Crystal Healing you may choose to pursue further study in a specialist field to increase your knowledge base and skillset. Other alternative medicine areas include Energy Healing, Reiki, Ayurvedic practice, Naturopathy or Herbalism or Acupuncture.


What is a crystal healing session?

In a standard session, crystal healers will lay the crystals along the key chakra line of the body to aid in balancing the energy field. The chakra – or energy points – in your hands, as well as the third eye, the point between the eyebrows, are the most effective when starting therapy with a beginner because the sensations, such as a buzz or heaviness, are particularly effective and you are less likely to attribute them to a placebo effect.

What are the healing benefits of crystals?

The proposed healing benefits of crystals predominantly surround areas of mental wellbeing; including feelings of increased tranquillity, positivity, and focus, as well as enhanced immunity and pain relief.

Individual crystals are also known to have their special energies that align to different areas of your life, with their shape, color, and type affecting their influence.

What are some popular crystals and their properties?

· Jade has long been used to purify the body and has been employed as a healing tool for centuries.

· Citrine is ideal for entrepreneurs with its power to stimulate the brain, increasing self-esteem, motivation, and creativity.

· For those seeking feelings of unconditional love, both for others and themselves, rose quartz is a well-known and popular crystal.

· Turquoise is used to protect against surrounding pollutants or external influences, by enhancing your immune system, and it is meant to have anti-inflammatory and detoxifying effects.

· Crystal Quartz is a strong crystal for healing, due to the belief that it is ‘the energetic bridge between our conscious and unconscious minds.

· Amethyst also has healing powers and is used to relieve stress and sadness, remove negativity, and ease the grief.

Where can I study Crystal Healing?

Explore your options here

Did You Know?

· Crystals have been used in healing for thousands of years. From the Stone Age to the Ancient Greeks, Egyptians and Romans – crystals have long been used to treat ailments, ward off evil and unlock power. It is said that Cleopatra bathed with Rose Quartz to harness its healing and anti-aging properties. 

· The center of the earth was once thought to be a single, 1,500-mile-wide iron crystal. Seismic studies now show that the inner core is not a single solid but perhaps an aggregate of smaller crystals.

· In Chihuahua, Mexico, a limestone cavern 1,000 feet below the surface contains the largest crystals in the world: glittering gypsum formations up to 6 feet in diameter and 36 feet long, weighing as much as 55 tons.

· In 1885 a garnet weighing nearly 10 pounds was discovered beneath 35th Street near Broadway in New York City, close to today’s Macy’s store. According to urban lore, it was unearthed either during subway construction or by a labourer digging a sewer.

· The unit of measure for gemstones had humble beginnings. “Carat” comes from the Greek keration, or “carob bean,” which was used as a standard for weighing small quantities. It is equivalent to 200 milligrams, or about 0.007 ounces.

Mariza Halliday

Colour Therapy
E-Commerce in Retailing


  1. Rakshya chalise 27th June 2024 at 11:19 am

    how can I apply for this course?

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