Courses in Kildare
Colleges offering courses in Kildare, Ireland
Browse Courses, Post Graduate by Category in Kildare
There are courses and post graduate in Kildare currently listed in our course database. For ease of use we've divided them into categories; if you click on the categories it will break them further down into sub-categories. Good luck with your search!
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Certificate Adult Guidance, Theory and Practice
Blended Learning - Mix of Classroom & Online, Adult and Community Education Course by Maynooth University - Maynooth, Co. KildareThe course had been developed by the Department of Adult and Community Education, Maynooth University in collaboration with stakeholders in the field of Adult Guidance. The course will begin to address the needs of those working in a guidance capacity with adult learners, unemployed and disadvantaged adults and those exploring career options. It will introduce…
Certificate in Local History
Classroom Based, Community Studies Course by Maynooth University - Maynooth, Co. KildareThis Certificate level course is offered by the Department of History, Maynooth University. The course examines the ‘local dimension of Ireland’s past’. The course aims to provide participants interested in local history with an opportunity to obtain formal training in the subject. This course sets out to provide students with a methodological approach to the…
Certificate in Training and Continuing Education (Train the Trainer Level 7)
Blended Learning - Mix of Classroom & Online, Human Resources Course by Maynooth University - Maynooth, Co. KildareThe NUI Certificate in Training and Continuing Education (Train the Trainer Level 7) has been developed by a team of adult educators, HR and training professionals, and organisational psychologists. It focuses on delivering a high quality, relevant and widely recognised training qualification using a blend of face to face workshops and online learning. This course…
Economics / Finance - Research
Classroom Based, Economics Course by Maynooth University - Maynooth, Co. KildareThe four year programme of study includes, in the first and possibly subsequent years, reading courses, taught courses, generalist and specialist skills seminars; while the second, third and the fourth years of the programme are dedicated primarily to research skills development and independent research.
NUI Cert. in Psychology Level 7 Cork
Classroom Based, Psychology Courses Course by Maynooth University - Maynooth, Co. KildareThis Maynooth University NUI Certificate level course is designed to provide participants with the opportunity to develop an understanding of psychology and to explore its relevance to the individual, family, community and society Upon successful completion of this course students should be able to: Understand the main psychological theories and schools and their contribution to…
NUI Cert. in Psychology Level 7 Maynooth University Campus
Classroom Based, Psychology Courses Course by Maynooth University - Maynooth, Co. KildareThis Maynooth University NUI Certificate level course is designed to provide participants with the opportunity to develop an understanding of psychology and to explore its relevance to the individual, family, community and society. Have you ever wondered why people behave as they do or whether a career in psychology might be for you? This Level…
NUI Certificate in Equality Studies Online
Blended Learning - Mix of Classroom & Online, Equality Studies Course by Maynooth University - Maynooth, Co. KildareThe course will provide students with the knowledge and understanding needed to deal effectively with issues of equality and diversity in the workplace in a rapidly changing Ireland. The course will equip practitioners with the competence to become professional trainers in this challenging area in order to contribute to the development of socially inclusive workplaces.…
Return to Learning (Access Programme)
Classroom Based, Adult and Community Education Course by Maynooth University - Maynooth, Co. KildareThe Department of Adult and Community Education in Maynooth University takes a very different approach to teaching and learning than a lot of people will have encountered through their previous educational experiences. We value the knowledge that people bring with them from their everyday life and work with the student to bring them through the…