Educational & Teacher Training courses in Ireland
Study to become a teacher through Educational & Teacher Training in a third level education.
Picking a 3rd level education course can be difficult, so we'd like to help you. If you're someone who is caring and would like to possibly be a teacher or lecturer, we think education might suit you. We'd like to make your decision easier. On you can search careers through 3rd level and PLC courses. Visit to search enrolments in your area now!Browse Courses in Educational & Teacher Training
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Access Course for Higher Education Young Adults (TAP)
Classroom Based, Adult and Community Education Course by Liberties College - DublinLiberties College is one of three colleges of further education working in partnership with the Trinity Access Programmes to provide access courses to Higher Education. On successful completion of this course students may apply directly for entry to degree courses in Trinity College Dublin in the Faculties of Arts and Social Sciences (BESS – Business,…
Advanced Certificate in Early Learning and Care
Classroom Based, Advanced Childcare Course by Cathal Brugha FET - Dublin City North, Co. DublinAdvanced Professional Practice Placement Curriculum and Pedagogy Inclusive Early Learning and Care Sociology and Social Policy Supervision and Administration The Developing Child
QQI Level 5 Certificate in Early Childhood Care and Education
Childcare Course by Cavan Institute - Cavan Town, Co. CavanThe demand for qualified childcare professionals has increased significantly in recent years. This course offers a comprehensive preparation for a career in early years care and education. Students receive training in practical, social and legal aspects of the profession. A qualification in childcare is a requirement for childcare staff under the government’s Early Childhood Care…
Bachelor of Arts in Early Childhood Care and Education
Classroom Based, Early Childhood Education Course by Institute of Technology Sligo - SligoBachelor of Arts in Early Childhood Care and Education; ; ; ; The early years and experiences of a child’s life are fundamentally important for them in the here and now and can help shape their future. This honours degree programme will equip you, the early childhood educator, with a comprehensive knowledge base of all…
Certificate Adult Guidance, Theory and Practice
Blended Learning - Mix of Classroom & Online, Adult and Community Education Course by Maynooth University - Maynooth, Co. KildareThe course had been developed by the Department of Adult and Community Education, Maynooth University in collaboration with stakeholders in the field of Adult Guidance. The course will begin to address the needs of those working in a guidance capacity with adult learners, unemployed and disadvantaged adults and those exploring career options. It will introduce…
Certificate in Early Learning and Care
Classroom Based, Childcare Course by Cathal Brugha FET - Dublin City North, Co. DublinProfessional Practice Placements in Early Learning and Care Children’s Rights, Legislation and Regulation Holistic Care of Children 0-6 years Early Childhood Growth and Development Curriculum, Play and Creative Studies Understanding and Assisting Children with Additional Needs
Classroom Assistant/Special Needs Assistant
Classroom Based, Special Needs Assistant Training Course by Cathal Brugha FET - Dublin City North, Co. DublinIn this Special Needs Assistant course you’ll cover Care Provision & Practice; Understanding Special Needs; Human Growth & Development; Equality & Disability; Creative Arts for Early Childhood; Communications; Work Experience; Word processing
Early Childhood Care and Education
Classroom Based, Early Childhood Education Course by Kinsale College - Kinsale, Co. CorkThis full-time award leads to a QQI level 5 Certificate after one year. The course is structured to provide students with a high standard of training and assessment leading to a recognized qualification for those wishing to work in the childcare sector in a variety of areas such as; working with the child in a…
Early Childhood Care and Education – QQI Level 5
Classroom Based, Early Childhood Education Course by Liberties College - DublinThis one-year full-time course prepares students to work with young children. It is ideal for both school-leavers and experienced mature persons seeking a formal qualification. Successful students enjoy excellent employment prospects.
Early Childhood Care and Education – QQI Level 6
Classroom Based, Early Childhood Education Course by Liberties College - DublinThis one year full time is an advanced Childcare course is suited to participants with previous childcare training who wish to develop their range of childcare industry knowledge. Successful participants may advance to Team Leader in an ECCE or ECEC setting. Progression prospects are excellent both to work and Higher Education.
Early Childhood Care and Education QQI Level 6 – with an Introduction to Outdoor and Forest School
Classroom Based, Early Childhood Education Course by Liberties College - DublinThis is an advanced course suited to participants who would like to work in the Early Years sector and who have an interest in Outdoor and Forest School Education. This course would give students confidence and skills to take children outdoors to experience the benefits of nature based play and it will also help the…
ELC Stage 2 Advanced Certificate in Early Learning and Care (Level 6)
Classroom Based, Child Development Course by Kerry College of Further Education & Training - Tralee, Co. KerryAn ELC Stage 2 Advanced Certificate is primarily for those looking to work in childcare supervision and childcare management. What Will I Study? Advanced Professional Practice Placement in Early Learning and Care (6C21517) Supervision & Administration in Early Learning and Care (6C21522) Inclusive Early Learning and Care (6C21521) Curriculum & Pedagogy (6C21520)…
ELC Stage 2 Advanced Certificate in Early Learning and Care (Level 6)
Classroom Based, Educational & Teacher Training Course by Kerry College of Further Education & Training - Tralee, Co. KerryWhat will I study? Advanced Professional Practice Placement in Early Learning and Care (6C21517) Supervision & Administration in Early Learning and Care (6C21522) Inclusive Early Learning and Care (6C21521) Curriculum & Pedagogy (6C21520) The Developing Child (6C21519) Sociology & Social Policy in Early Learning and Care (6C21518) Why should I apply? Are you interesting in…
General Learning (Level 3) - Listowel Campus
Classroom Based, Adult and Community Education Course by Kerry College of Further Education & Training - Tralee, Co. KerryEarn your Level 3 qualification and progress further with Kerry College. What will I Study? • Career Preparation (C30007) • Communications L3 (3N0880) • Computer Literacy (3N0881) • Digital Photography (3N0791) • Internet Skills (3N0931) • Mathematics (C30042) • Personal Effectiveness (3N0565) • Word Processing (3N0588) • Work Experience (3N0587)
Information and Communications Technology - Listowel campus
Classroom Based, Adult and Community Education Course by Kerry College of Further Education & Training - Tralee, Co. KerryEarn your Level 4 qualification and progress further with this Information and Communications Technology at Kerry College. What will I Study? • Career Planning (4N1109) • Computer Applications (4N1112) • Desktop Publishing (3N0551) • Desktop Publishing (4N1854) • Digital Media Technology (4N1858) • English & Communications Level 4 (4N0689) • English As a Second Language…
Nature Based Early Learning and Care
In-house Training, Childcare Course by Kerry College of Further Education & Training - Tralee, Co. KerryThe aim of this course is to promote the importance of outdoor learning and play in the field of Early Years Education and to provide learners with the skills and knowledge to effectively facilitate and promote this type of learning.
Pre-Primary School Teaching
In-house Training, Early Childhood Education Course by Coláiste Dhúlaigh College of Further Education (CDCFE) - Coolock, Co. DublinThis course is suitable for post leaving cert students and mature students who are interested in teaching (Primary school teaching, Post-Primary school teaching, or teaching in Further Education). This award offers a wide range of modules which enables students to gain a critical awareness of the way in which the Irish Education system operates. Learners…
Pre-Teaching and Education Studies (Education & Training)
Classroom Based, Adult and Community Education Course by Kerry College of Further Education & Training - Tralee, Co. KerryThis Pre-Teaching and Education Studies course is ideal for those considering a career in teaching. What Will I Study? Communications Level 5 (5N0690) Personal Professional Development (5N2985) Psychology (5N0754) Research & Study Skills (5N3113) Word Processing (5N1358) Concepts in Education & Training (5N3631) Interpersonal & Group Behaviour (5N3632) Psychology of People (5N3634)
Pre-University Arts / Teaching
Classroom Based, Educational & Teacher Training Course by Dunboyne College of Further Education - Dunboyne, Co. MeathStudents on Education and Training courses at Dunboyne College benefit from close links with Maynooth University and can access a range of academic and student supports across both campuses. Our one-year course, similar to our other arts programme, aims to prepare students for entrance into Arts programmes in Irish universities and colleges but also lay…
Repeat Leaving Certificate
Classroom Based, Educational & Teacher Training Course by Rathmines College of Further Education - Rathmines, Co. DublinCourse aim To assists students in achieving access to further and higher education through improvement of their point score. Modules English Irish Maths Applied Maths Biology Chemistry Physics Business Economics Accounting French German Spanish Geography History Home Economics Classical Studies Art Music
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Repeat Leaving Certificate
Blended Learning - Mix of Classroom & Online, Educational & Teacher Training Course by Rathmines College of Further Education - Rathmines, Co. DublinRathmines College has been offering an excellent Repeat Leaving Certificate course for over 40 years. This one-year repeat leaving cert offers students a wide variety of subject choices and the opportunity to achieve their full potential. The Repeat Leaving Certificate assists students in achieving access to further and higher education. Course fee just Euro 300
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Return to Learning (Access Programme)
Classroom Based, Adult and Community Education Course by Maynooth University - Maynooth, Co. KildareThe Department of Adult and Community Education in Maynooth University takes a very different approach to teaching and learning than a lot of people will have encountered through their previous educational experiences. We value the knowledge that people bring with them from their everyday life and work with the student to bring them through the…
Special Needs Assisting (Community Health Services) - Denny Street Campus
Classroom Based, Special Needs Assistant Training Course by Kerry College of Further Education & Training - Tralee, Co. KerryThis Level 5 Major Award enables the learner to develop the knowledge, skills and competence to work under supervision in a range of community health service settings & school settings or to progress to further and/or higher education and training. What Will I Study? Care Support (5N0758) Care Provision and Practice (5N2705) Communications (5N0690) Intellectual…
Special Needs Assisting (Community Health Services) - Killarney
Classroom Based, Special Needs Assistant Training Course by Kerry College of Further Education & Training - Tralee, Co. KerryThis Level 5 Major Award enables the learner to develop the knowledge, skills and competence to work under supervision in a range of community health service settings & school settings or to progress to further and/or higher education and training. What Will I Study? Intellectual Disability Studies (5N1652) Understanding Special Needs (5N1709)…
Special Needs Awareness & Assisting (Inclusive Education & Training) - Denny Street Campus
Classroom Based, Special Needs Assistant Training Course by Kerry College of Further Education & Training - Tralee, Co. KerryThis course will support the learner to develop the skills and knowledge to apply theory to professional practice in the area of disability, diversity and inclusion. What Will I Study? Special Needs Assisting (6N1957) Work Experience (6N1946) Communications (6N1950) Disability Awareness (6N1975) Inclusive Education Practice (6N2226) Differentiated Learning & Instruction (6N2225) Mental Health Awareness (6N2209) Assistive Technology (6N2211)
Special Needs Awareness & Assisting (Inclusive Education & Training) - Listowel Campus
Classroom Based, Special Needs Assistant Training Course by Kerry College of Further Education & Training - Tralee, Co. KerryThis course will support the learner to develop the skills and knowledge to apply theory to professional practice in the area of disability, diversity and inclusion. What Will I Study? Special Needs Assisting (6N1957) Work Experience (6N1946) Communications (6N1950) Disability Awareness (6N1975) Inclusive Education Practice (6N2226) Differentiated Learning & Instruction (6N2225) Mental Health Awareness (6N2209) Assistive Technology (6N2211)
Sports and PE Pre-Teaching (Sports, Recreation & Exercise)
Classroom Based, Adult and Community Education Course by Kerry College of Further Education & Training - Tralee, Co. KerryThis one year course will equip students with the knowledge and skills to work across a variety of different areas within the sports and leisure industry and for those in particular interested in progressing to pursue a career in PE Teaching. What Will I Study? Basketball Coaching (5N4888) Communications (Community) (C50070) Concepts in…
Stage One Advanced Certificate in Early Learning and Care (Level 5) - Killarney
Classroom Based, Early Childhood Education Course by Kerry College of Further Education & Training - Tralee, Co. KerryThis Early Learning and Care course will equip learners with the skills required to gain employment in a variety of childcare settings but particularly in the pre-school setting. What Will I Study? Children’s Rights, Legislation and Regulation (5C21524) Curriculum, Play and Creative Studies (5C21527) Early Childhood Growth and Development (5C21526) Holistic Care of…
Stage One Advanced Certificate in Early Learning and Care (Level 5) - Listowel Campus
Classroom Based, Early Childhood Education Course by Kerry College of Further Education & Training - Tralee, Co. KerryThis course will equip learners with the skills required to gain employment in a variety of childcare settings but particularly in the pre-school setting. WHAT WILL I STUDY? Children’s Rights, Legislation & Regulation (5C21524) Curriculum, Play & Creative Studies (5C21527) Early Childhood Growth & Development (5C21526) Holistic Care of Children, 0-6 Years (5C21525) Professional Practice…
Yoga Teaching and Holistic Studies
Classroom Based, Educational & Teacher Training Course by Kerry College of Further Education & Training - Tralee, Co. KerryWhat will I study in this Yoga Teaching and Holistic Studies course? Specific Purpose Certificate Stand-up Paddle Boarding Instructional Skills (5N21805) Delivering Yoga Teaching Sessions (iUSP155) Programming Yoga Teaching Sessions (iUSP147) Outdoor Leadership & Safety (5N4647) and Know How to Support Clients who take part in Exercise & Physical Activity (iUSP172) Outdoor Recreation (5N5386) and…