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Campuses around Ireland are coming together this week to promote the first National Green Week. Colleges will be addressing the challenges facing the world and exploring how we can impact positively on the planet and people. There’s a wide range of events, activities and opportunities happening over the week so be sure to get involved […]
Studying Tips: Take a Break! Studying is a challenging experience and something that needs to be approached correctly. It’s not just a case of sitting down and ploughing on with things. As well as being organised and having a study plan, it’s vital that you take breaks. Studies have shown that many students in the […]
What is Accountancy? Accountancy, in a nutshell, is the process of managing all of an entity’s income and expenses. This definition can be broken down as the systematic process of measuring, summarizing, and communicating financial information generated by bookkeeping to classify and explain account information to relevant parties such as shareholders and managers for them […]
The CAO application process officially closed last week with its Change of Mind facility and this week the CAO have released data on who applied for what at the close of the application process. This year there was an increase in 2021 CAO applicants. Increase in 2021 CAO Applicants Overall 2021 saw a rise in […]
Are you starting college this year? Are you wondering about further and higher education grants. Have you heard people talking about SUSI but you’re not sure what it is or where to start. Whichcollege.ie is here to help as we answer the question, What is SUSI? What is SUSI? SUSI stands for Student Universal Support Ireland. […]
On the 12 days of Christmas, WhichCollege gave to me… 12 tips to help me study. Study Tips for Christmas: Well, it’s been a challenging first academic term in college. We’ve spent most of our time at home, in front of our computer screens, adjusting to new ways of learning and finding different ways […]
What Skills Do I Need to Study Law? Are you thinking about studying law? Courses in law always appear near the top of the CAO points table and for most students who want to get a law degree the focus is doing well in the Leaving Certificate. However, while this is necessary it is also […]
Taxation studies are at the very core of what makes every economy tick over. Without tax we wouldn’t have hospitals, roads or third level education. Tax professionals provide crucial financial direction to Irish and multinational companies. In the civil service sector, the tax authorities play a key role in the battle against organised crime and […]
Universities have been spending the Summer getting ready for the new academic year and preparing to overcome all the challenges the current situation has put before them. Below we take a look at some of the ways Universities have been preparing for the new academic year. Delivering Programmes The main focus for third-level […]
As we come towards the end of May, Summer starts to burst out around us and one of the joys of this time of the year is right on our doorstep! For those lucky enough to have a garden, Summer brings the promise of long days spent outdoors without having to travel! And while for […]