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Visiting university and institute of technology open days can help students immensely in choosing the right course and college for their future. If you’re planning to attend an Open Day, keep reading as we drop some tips on how make the Most of College Open Days: A Guide for Students and Parents/ Make the Most […]
On 21st September 2020, the Royal Irish Academy hosted an Online Conversation, Perspectives and Pathways in a Time of Crisis, which explored a safe return to campus and the issue of how to ensure the protection of our communities, students and staff, as we embark on a new academic year in a time of Covid. […]
Last Friday, thousands of students received their CAO offers. Regardless of what the outcome was, it is important to remember that the CAO is just one path you can take. If your first round offer does not meet your expectations, be sure that there are many other options available. If you don’t get what you […]
Suppose you spend 3 hours every weeknight studying. Then add another 8 hours for the weekend and you’ve got at least a 100 hours of study a month, each month, in the run up to the Leaving Cert. This is a fairly significant amount of time, and if managed properly, it allows for a great […]
Today, Monday 7th September 2020, over 60,000 students received their Leaving Cert results, this year delivered in the form of a calculated grades system. This system works to establish a student’s grade by using a process of combining teacher assessment, which is then sent to the Dept of Education for standardisation and a final grade […]
Mark Godfrey looks at the worrying phenomenon in education today: fake universities and bogus qualifications. Fake degree certificates for UK universities can be bought on the Internet for as little as £30. The “universities” offering the bogus qualifications claim the certificates can “fool anyone” and offer transcripts and student records as optional extras. Others are […]
If you are in sixth year and taking your Leaving Certificate this year then now is the time you need to access the Leaving Certificate Candidate Self Service Portal. To help you along the way we’ve put together a handy guide to walk you through the process and provide you with some answers if you’re […]
Coding is everywhere. It is all around us. We depend on it to do almost everything these days. Every electronic machine we use and every thing we use it for depends on coding. So let’s take a deeper look and ask the question: What is Coding? At its most basic – coding is telling a […]
There are several good reasons to attend college Open Days. Here we have a look at the benefits of visiting a college before signing up to study a course. Understand what a course is all about Our first reason may be the most important one: if you know what a course actually involves, you’re more […]
The Irish Times reported that the Minister for Health Stephen Donnelly has said that Ireland needs to double the number of healthcare college places so that we can meet the skills demand for the health sector over the coming years – speaking at an event in Dublin last week organised by the Irish Universities Association. […]