Course Description

Pre-Primary School Teaching

This course is suitable for post leaving cert students and mature students who are interested in teaching (Primary school teaching, Post-Primary school teaching, or teaching in Further Education).

This award offers a wide range of modules which enables students to gain a critical awareness of the way in which the Irish Education system operates. Learners are also enabled to improve their communication, critical reflection and interpersonal skills, all of which are central to working in an educational setting.

(Optional) Students have the option to undertake Leaving Certificate Irish at Higher Level and also have the opportunity to study QQI L5 Maths (a minimum grade of Merit is accepted for Maths as entry to the B.Ed for matures once other requirements are met).

Students will engage in work experience as Classroom Assistants. Students also have the opportunity to engage in their work placement overseas as part of Erasmus +.

Interested in Primary School Teaching?

If you’re interested in primary school teaching, we offer you the opportunity to study Leaving Cert Honours Irish and re-sit the state exam in order to meet the Teaching Council requirement of a H4 in Hons Irish.

Option 1 – students who got the required points for the B.Ed (Primary Teaching) but did not get a H4 in Higher Irish can study Hons Leaving Cert Irish with us.  This course will prepare you to re-sit your Honours Irish, while also achieving a QQI Level 5 (5M3635) Award in Education and Training.  You can then reapply through the CAO for the B.Ed.

Option2 – students who did not get the required points and did not get the H4 in Higher Irish can study with us and then apply for a variety of degrees below followed by a Masters in Primary Teaching (PME).  We ask that you have studied Irish with at least an O4 in your leaving cert (or equivalent) to study Irish with us.

Interested in Post Primary/Secondary School Teaching?

You can study with us and apply to the courses listed in progression below (check University for entry requirements – normally a minimum of 5 Distinctions in our course)

On completion of the post primary degrees, you are qualified as a post primary school teacher.  However, you can also study a BA in Humanities and then progress to a Masters in Post Primary Education.

Interested in Further Education Teaching?

You can study with us, then study a degree of your choice, followed by a Post Grad Higher Diploma in Further Education.  There are lots of possibilities so check with your guidance counsellor or email the course coordinator (email address below)

Course Content

  • Communications
  • Concepts in Education and Training
  • Interpersonal and Group Behaviour
  • Work Experience/ Personal Profession Development
  • Research and Study Skills
  • Approaches to Early Childhood Education
  • Psychology
  • Children with Additional Needs.

Students will also have the option to complete Leaving Certificate Higher Level Irish and QQI L5 Maths.

CollegeColáiste Dhúlaigh College of Further Education (CDCFE)
Course LocationCoolock, Dublin
Location PostcodeDublin 17
Course CategoryEarly Childhood Education, Educational & Teacher Training
Course TypeIn-house Training
Course QualificationLevel 5 Certificate
Awarding BodyQQI
Awarding Body DetailsPre-Primary School Teaching
Course Duration1 Year
Course Time1 Year
Course FeeThis course is free for those over 21 and in receipt of a social welfare payment*
Entry RequirementsPlease note – In Ireland, in order to become a primary school teacher and study a Batchelor of Education (B.Ed), you will need the required points in your Leaving Cert and the minimum requirements below (set by the Teaching Council). Irish H4 English H7/O4 Maths H7/O4 To study with us we ask that you have sat the leaving Certificate or equivalent. We recommend that you have studied Irish with at least an O4 in your leaving cert (or equivalent) to study Hons Irish with us. Please speak to a career guidance teacher or email the Pre Primary Teaching Course Coordinator [email protected] for more information. All students will be Garda Vetting before going on placement.
Carear PathProgression and Career Opportunities After completion of the QQI Level 5 Major award, students can work as a Special Needs Assistant (SNA). This course is not a direct entry to a B.Ed course, however, there are many possible routes into primary school teaching. Progression for Primary Teaching Dublin City University Study DC009 : BA (Joint Honours) Humanities with Irish and one other subject and then complete PME – Professional Master of Education: Primary Teaching DC970 Marino Institute of Education Study CM020 : B.Sc Early Childhood Education followed by PME – Professional Master of Education(Primary) Study CM010 : B.Sc Education Studies followed by PME – Professional Master of Education (Primary) Maynooth University MH101 Arts followed by PME – Professional Master of Education (Primary) MH801 Early Childhood Teaching and Learning. followed by PME – Professional Master of Education (Primary) Progression to Post Primary/Secondary School Teaching This course will allow you to apply to the following courses: DCU : DC010 Post Primary Teacher Education in Religious Education and English DCU : DC011 Post Primary Teacher Education in Religious Education and History On completion of the above degrees, you are qualified as a post primary school teacher. However, you can also study a BA in Humanities and then progress to a Masters in Post Primary Education. Further College Links/Progression Students can use this major award (5M3635) to apply to colleges through the CAO. See the list of colleges accepting this award as an entry requirement here. Students taking 5M3635 may now apply for the following courses in Maynooth University: MH107 Social Science, MH109 Media Studies, MH401 Finance, (Maths Requirement LCE H7/04 or Distinction in any L5, QQI Maths or Stats module, MH403 Accounting and Finance (Maths Requirement LCE H7/04 or Distinction in any L5, QQI Maths or Stats module), MH404 Business and Management (Maths Requirement LCE H7/04 or Distinction in any L5, QQI Maths or Stats module) MH405 Equine Business (Maths Requirement LCE H7/04 or Distinction in any L5, QQI Maths or Stats module), MH407 Business and Accounting (Maths Requirement LCE H7/04 or Distinction in any L5, QQI Maths or Stats module), MH411 Entrepreneurship ((Maths Requirement LCE H7/04 or Distinction in any L5, QQI Maths or Stats module) MH501 Law (LLB) MH502 Law (BCL) Do
Course Code5M3635
For information about Coláiste Dhúlaigh College of Further Education (CDCFE), please visit their college page on by clicking here.

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    Coláiste Dhúlaigh College of Further Education (CDCFE)
    Barryscourt Road
    Coolock, Dublin
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