Course Description

NUI Certificate in Equality Studies Online

The course will provide students with the knowledge and understanding needed to deal effectively with issues of equality and diversity in the workplace in a rapidly changing Ireland. The course will equip practitioners with the competence to become professional trainers in this challenging area in order to contribute to the development of socially inclusive workplaces.

The course is relevant to all who espouse the values of social inclusion and equality. It has particular resonance to private sector companies and businesses and staff of community and voluntary organisations, who seek to create workplaces where diversity is prized as an asset for generating new ideas and new ways of working.

The Certificate consists of four modules. These are presented in an open/flexible learning format, supported by four days of workshops:

  • Module 1: Reflecting on Equality and Diversity: Reflective Practice; History,
    concepts and ideologies; Sources of prejudice and discrimination; Conducting practitioner
  • Module 2: The Shape of Irish Society: Demography; Irish State and legal system;
    Outline of Equality legislation.
  • Module 3: Equality and Diversity in the Workplace: Equality through the
    employment cycle – Focus on models and practice in relation to gender, work life balance,
    age, ethnicity and disability
  • Module 4: Delivering Equality: Development of equality and diversity policies;
    Managing equality and diversity issues – Recruitment and selection, Training and
    development; Facilitation and mentoring.

Fee €1400.  An Easy Payment Plan is available upon registration.

Part time students who are on courses at levels 6 to 10 on the framework of qualifications may be eligible to for the Student Assistance Fund (SAF) to help with the associated costs of attending a university course such as Travel, Childcare, Utilities, Materials etc. You should first consult: SAF Guidelines to see if you qualify and then e-mail [email protected] to make further enquiries.


CollegeMaynooth University
Course LocationMaynooth, Kildare
Course CategoryEquality Studies, Humanities & Social Sciences
Course TypeBlended Learning - Mix of Classroom & Online
Course QualificationNUI Cert. Level 7
Awarding BodyNational University of Ireland
Awarding Body DetailsCertificate in Equality Studies
Course Start Date28th September 2024
Course End Date8th May 2025
Course Duration100 hours
Course TimeOn Line. 1 Induction on campus workshop on Saturday 28th September and online on Thursdays 7.00-9.00pm
Course Fee1400
Entry RequirementsStudents must be 21 years or older on 1 January in the year of the commencement of the course.

Course is aimed at practitioners in learning, training and development or those with an interest in learning about diversity and equality.

Students should have at the very least Basic IT skills

Access to a computer with Windows 2000 or above and broadband internet access is essential.

Commitment to self-directed learning.

Attendance at 4 Workshops is Mandatory.

Participants should be able to devote approximately 6 hours a week to the course.
Carear PathThe NUI Certificate in Equality Studies in Training and Development (On Line) is a standalone qualification however when combined with the and the NUI Certificate in Training and Continuing Education (Train the Trainer Level 7) plus another of our the NUI Certificate courses such as the Certificate in Communication and Group Skills for Managers it forms part of the Diploma in Arts for Socially Inclusive Workplaces. This suite of CPD courses provide a comprehensive educational/training package in core skills such as managing issues of equality and cultural diversity in the workplace for Team Leaders, Managers and Learning and Development Specialists.
Phone01 7086062
Course CodeEQ1
For information about Maynooth University, please visit their college page on by clicking here.

Course Provider

Maynooth University

1 Floor School of Education, North Campus Maynooth University, Maynooth, Co. Kildare, Maynooth, Kildare, Republic of Ireland

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    Maynooth University
    1 Floor School of Education
    North Campus Maynooth University, Maynooth, Co. Kildare, Maynooth, Kildare
    Republic of Ireland
    Visit Website