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With just over a week to go to this year’s Leaving Certificate, we take a quick look at how best to approach your final few days before the exams kick off with some last minute advice for Leaving Cert students. Last Minute Advice for Leaving Cert Students Revision Have a plan in place. At this stage […]
Do you want a long-lasting career with transferable skills? Project management is an essential process in that it adds order and structure to organisations or companies and how you carry out their projects, whether internally or externally. Effective project management training is vital to ensure that you have the right skills and knowledge when it […]
Ireland Ranks High for Higher Education – A new study from The Campus Advisor has ranked Ireland as fifth in the world for higher education. The Campus Advisor is the global network that allows you to discover the colleges and higher education that’s right for you. It surveyed thousands of students to find out the […]
Back in 2009, the Sultan of Brunei paid £15,000 for his favourite barber, who usually charges £30, to fly in luxury from London. It goes to show that a talented hairstylist can expect very loyal customers! A recent survey found that beauticians and hairdressers are some of the happiest workers in the UK. That is […]
Have you ever thought about becoming a video game designer, developing visual content for games? Are you interested in playing a part in plotting a video game’s storyline, shaping its characters, creating its dialogue, managing its look and sculpting its sound? There is a team of people involved in the creation of video games and […]
The Leaving Cert – the tears, the laughter – is opening soon at an exam hall near you. By this stage, you are probably fantasising about creative ways to destroy your textbooks when the whole nightmare… ahem…valuable learning experience finally comes to a close. But if you are to have a truly happy summer in […]
What Makes A Great Teacher?: History is filled with classic stories of hero teachers. From Mr. Holland’s Opus, to Robin Williams’ portrayal of English teacher John Keating in Peter Weir’s Dead Poets Society through the wartime musical Goodbye Mr Chips, all the way to Mr. Miyagi. We’re all in awe of those remarkable teachers who […]
What is Animal Welfare? Animal welfare is defined by an animal being in a good state of health, comfort, nourishment, safety, natural behavior and is not suffering from pain, fear, or distress. Animal welfare pertains to the living conditions of animals who are kept in captivity or are otherwise under human control and how the […]
Are you starting college this year? Are you wondering about further and higher education grants. Have you heard people talking about SUSI but you’re not sure what it is or where to start. Whichcollege.ie is here to help as we answer the question, What is SUSI? What is SUSI? SUSI stands for Student Universal Support Ireland. […]
The CAO Online Application Facility for 2024 is now open for students. Closing Date for Applications is the 1st February at 5pm. Students applying to CAO listed courses should make their application as soon as possible in order to avail of the discounted registration fee of €30 (Available until 5 PM on January 20th). Registration […]