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Universities have been spending the Summer getting ready for the new academic year and preparing to overcome all the challenges the current situation has put before them. Below we take a look at some of the ways Universities have been preparing for the new academic year. Delivering Programmes The main focus for third-level […]
The IUA Enhancing Digital Teaching and Learning in Irish Universities project ‘Your Education, Your Voice, Your Vision’ asked 3rd-level students across Ireland to project themselves into a post-COVID future and imagine their ideal learning experience. The campaign ran from the 17th April – 10th May 2021 via Instagram, TikTok and Facebook. According to the IUA […]
What is Public Relations? Some are born great, some achieve greatness, and some hire a public relations officer, noted the American social historian Daniel Boorstin. A public relations officer creates and maintains a positive relationship between an organisations and the public. They do this by communicating a positive image through various mediums. Public bodies, businesses, […]
The Disability Access Route to Education (DARE) is an initiative in Ireland designed to support students with disabilities in gaining access to higher education. DARE is a college and university admissions scheme that offers an alternative admissions route for eligible students who have experienced additional educational challenges due to a disability. What is Disability Access […]
Have you ever thought about becoming a video game designer, developing visual content for games? Are you interested in playing a part in plotting a video game’s storyline, shaping its characters, creating its dialogue, managing its look and sculpting its sound? There is a team of people involved in the creation of video games and […]
Have you got entrepreneurship and business skills? If the answer is no, but you’d love to start your own company, then a course in this field might be right up your alley. Entrepreneurs can offer innovative and profitable solutions to longstanding problems and inefficiencies. However, setting up your own business requires more than just a […]
Tomorrow, 1st February is a big date for students applying to third-level undergraduate courses in Ireland through the CAO (Central Applications Office). It is the CAO Normal Closing Date for Applications… and remember to have your application in by 5pm! Unless you are applying for a restricted course then remember these are not your final […]
The CAO Online Application Facility for 2024 is now open for students. Closing Date for Applications is the 1st February at 5pm. Students applying to CAO listed courses should make their application as soon as possible in order to avail of the discounted registration fee of €30 (Available until 5 PM on January 20th). Registration […]
What is Architecture? Architecture combines the principles of art, engineering, and science. It also pays attention to the landscape, culture, environment, and functionality. Designing an attractive and user-friendly building is a challenging but rewarding job. What Courses Are Available? Degrees in Architecture are available from Dublin IT, UCC, UCD, University of Limerick, and Waterford IT. […]
Sports is a professional sector of the Irish economy. Over the past few decades we have seen an increase in people keeping fit, and a growing appreciation for a scientific approach to exercise and sports performance. As a result there has been steady growth in the number of jobs in the industry. Management, education, and […]