Course Description

Sales & Marketing

This one year course concentrates on providing the practical specialist skills required for a successful career as a customer service provider or company sales representative. Students will gain an extensive knowledge of selling techniques, marketing theory and practice, information technology and the business environment in which the industry operates. Through our work experience programme, students will have the opportunity to develop effective customer care skills, selling techniques and marketing practice.

Awarding Body:
Further Education & Training Awards Authority (FETAC)/QQI Business Studies Award 5M2102
Career Opportunities:
Sales Representative, Customer Service Provider, Sales Support.
Further Education – Successful students can progress onto the two year Business Management & Marketing course in this College.
Minimum Entry Requirements:
Leaving Certificate/Leaving Certificate Applied or equivalent standard of education. Exemptions may be granted to mature students. All entry is subject to interview.
Web Authoring
Spreadsheet Methods
The Internet

Principles & Practice of Selling
Marketing Practice
Customer Service
Business Administration Skills
Database Methods
Word Processing

CollegeCrumlin College of Further Education (CDETB)
Course LocationDublin
Location PostcodeDublin 12
Course CategorySales & Retail, Business
Course QualificationLevel 5 Certificate
Awarding BodyQQI
Course FeePOA
Entry RequirementsLeaving Certificate/Leaving Certificate Applied or equivalent standard of education. Exemptions may be granted to mature students. All entry is subject to interview.
Carear PathSales Representative, Customer Service Provider, Sales Support.
Further Education - Successful students can progress onto the two year Business Management & Marketing course in this College.
Phone01 454 0662
For information about Crumlin College of Further Education (CDETB), please visit their college page on by clicking here.

Course Provider


Crumlin College of Further Education (CDETB)
Crumlin Road
Crumlin, Dublin
Republic of Ireland
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