Course Description

Music, Film & Drama

Music, Film and Drama are art forms that speak to the very core of human experience; they impact our lives every day. This 4-year programme allows students to immerse themselves in the close study of these forms, to understand them from cultural and historical perspectives, and to explore the ways in which they influence and transform each other. Learn how to understand the inner workings of these art forms. Deepen your knowledge of their historical development. Research and write about the important place of these arts in society.

Course Location
Course CategoryFilm Studies, Humanities & Social Sciences
Course TypeClassroom Based
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Course Provider


UCD Access and Lifelong Learning, Access and Lifelong Learning Centre, Level One, James Joyce Library Building, Belfield, Dublin, Ireland

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UCD Access and Lifelong Learning, Access and Lifelong Learning Centre
Level One, James Joyce Library Building, Belfield, Dublin
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