Are you debating what career path is right for you? A career in Broadcasting and Film can be hard work, with long hours; on top of this, most of the work is either contract or freelance, so you'll be facing a lack of job security. However contributing to the world of visual storytelling is also a challenging and rewarding endeavour. A great first step into this field is a course in film studies or filmmaking. Film Studies is the academic side of film, and you'll usually be covering the related subjects of film theory, criticism, and history. There are many production-focused programmes in higher education, as well as many practical PLC production courses available around the country. Search for the right option for you today on
Unfortunately, there are no courses listed in our database in Film Studies. We are dealing with course providers on a continual basis, so please do check back again. Meanwhile, feel free to use some of the options below.
What Makes A Great Teacher?: History is filled with classic stories of hero teachers. From Mr. Holland’s Opus, to Robin Williams’ portrayal of English teacher John Keating in Peter Weir’s Dead Poets Society through the wartime musical Goodbye Mr Chips, all the way to Mr. Miyagi. We’re all in awe of those remarkable teachers who […]
Coding is everywhere. It is all around us. We depend on it to do almost everything these days. Every electronic machine we use and every thing we use it for depends on coding. So let’s take a deeper look and ask the question: What is Coding? At its most basic – coding is telling a […]
So you might not have gotten your first choice on your CAO, or perhaps you are dying for a change of scenery. Whatever your reasoning, here are some of the more…. unexpected benefits of studying in the UK. 1) Throw your own Pity Party Elicit sympathy from your friends and relatives by wrapping yourself in […]
What is Public Relations? Some are born great, some achieve greatness, and some hire a public relations officer, noted the American social historian Daniel Boorstin. A public relations officer creates and maintains a positive relationship between an organisations and the public. They do this by communicating a positive image through various mediums. Public bodies, businesses, […]
“Help! I Don’t Know What to Study in College!” Is this a worry of yours? Are you struggling to think about what you want do after the Leaving Cert. Well, first of all – don’t panic. Many people are in a similar situation and thinking the exact same thing, so don’t worry. Rather than seeing […]
Should Students Have a LinkedIn Account? LinkedIn is often seen as the social networking for professionals. And while it’s true that the platform is mainly used for professional networking, it would be a mistake to think that you can’t make it work for you as a student. Not only can it be an invaluable resource […]
The Higher Education Access Route (HEAR) is an admissions scheme in Ireland that offers places in higher education courses to school leavers from socio-economically disadvantaged backgrounds. What is Higher Education Access Route (HEAR)? It helps students who face social or economic barriers get admitted to college degree programs across universities, institutes of technology, and other […]
The IUA Enhancing Digital Teaching and Learning in Irish Universities project ‘Your Education, Your Voice, Your Vision’ asked 3rd-level students across Ireland to project themselves into a post-COVID future and imagine their ideal learning experience. The campaign ran from the 17th April – 10th May 2021 via Instagram, TikTok and Facebook. According to the IUA […]
Congratulations,. You’ve got your CAO points & you’ve accepted your place and now you’re starting to think about what college will be like. A new exciting chapter is beginning in your life. Adventure awaits! Although many of you will be excited about this new stage, it’s normal to be mindful of what this new experience […]
What Is Horticulture? Over the past decade or so, there a rising demand for locally grown Irish produce. There are several reasons for this, including a growing population. In addition, Irish farmers have renewed focus on under-developed crops such as raspberries and herbs. With this, there are also increased prospects for careers in horticulture. Horticulture […]