Course Description

M.Sc. Finance, Accounting and Taxation


Finance professionals, especially accountants and tax experts, are the connective tissue that binds the business world together, helping companies from many different sectors follow the same best practice guidelines and work with each other. With a Masters degree in Finance, Accounting and Taxation, you’ll be a valuable asset to any company, as your understanding of international monetary regulations and financial compliance will help your future employers operate on a global scale. Set yourself up for a successful career in financial planning and management apply now.

CollegeIU International University of Applied Sciences
Course CategoryAccountancy, Finance
Course TypeOnline Learning
Course QualificationMasters Degree
Awarding BodyState Accredited (FIBAA)
Course DurationFull Time: 24 months, Part-Time one: 36 months, Part-Time two: 48 months
Course Fee€8664
Entry Requirements"Academic requirements: 120 ECTS • Completed undergraduate degree (180 ECTS) in Economics or related subjects • From a public or officially recognised university/higher education institution. • At least a ‘satisfactory’ or Grade C equivalent in your previous education 60 ECTS • Completed undergraduate degree (240 ECTS) • From a public or officially recognised university/higher education institution. • At least a ‘satisfactory’ or Grade C equivalent in your previous education • Proof of at least one year’s qualified work experience completed prior to the start of the study programme (achieved after your undergraduate studies). "
Carear PathAfter graduating with a Master’s degree in Finance, Accounting and Taxation, you will be able to take on a wide range of consultancy or management positions in the finance department of companies across different business sectors. Use your professional expertise to work as one of the following, for example: CFO, Head of Accounting, Treasurery.
Phone+49 30 311 987 20
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