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This year, registrations for HPAT – Ireland 2022 opened in November 2021 and will close on 21 January 2022 at 5.15pm GMT. Every year thousands of students register to take this test. Here we look into exactly What is HPAT – Ireland? What is HPAT – Ireland? It stands for Ireland Health Professions Admission Test – […]
What is Business Information Systems? Business information systems (BIS) provide information that organizations can use to manage themselves more efficiently and effectively, typically through the use of computer systems and technology. Hardware, software, data, procedures (design, development, and documentation), and people are the primary components of business information systems. The worlds of business and technology […]
Art History is an ideal course for those who want to work in the arts. A love of art does not necessarily mean the desire to be an artist. Types of Roles Available Arts administrators ensure that artists and performers earn a living and are able to show their work to the general public. This […]
It’s cold outside and that can only mean one thing – Christmas is coming! This year the Final Day of Christmas Term is 21st December. And while we’re all looking forward to the Christmas Holidays, it’s also an important time for all Leaving Certificate students to take advantage of the time off before starting the […]
What is QQI? QQI stands for Quality and Qualifications Ireland. It is the national agency responsible for quality assurance and qualifications in further and higher education and training in Ireland. What is QQI? QQI was established in 2012 under the Qualifications and Quality Assurance (Education and Training) Act. It brought together four predecessor organizations – […]
What is Sales and Retail? Sales and retail professionals work in a broad range of areas. These include e-business, media sales, technical sales, telesales and merchandising. In addition they work as shop assistants, account managers, and retail managers. Salespeople must have expertise in the products or services they sell, as well as be professional and […]
The Higher Education Access Route (HEAR) is an admissions scheme in Ireland that offers places in higher education courses to school leavers from socio-economically disadvantaged backgrounds. What is Higher Education Access Route (HEAR)? It helps students who face social or economic barriers get admitted to college degree programs across universities, institutes of technology, and other […]
Memories, like the corners of your mind, are unstable things at the best of times. For example, you might find it hard to recall your mother’s birthday or the name of your cat. This doesn’t bode well for the mass memorisation of facts and figures that is necessary for the Leaving Cert. However, not all […]
With rents at an all-time high, people are still anxious to put money into their own property rather than their landlord’s pocket. Additionally, success in the business sector is obvious by the speed at which offices are being built throughout the country. Property is holding firm as one of the most lucrative markets and there […]
Multimedia and Web Design professionals harness their creativity and combine visual design with information technology skills. The word ‘multimedia’ means different things to different people. Students can do courses that concentrate on web design, while others teach elements of computer programming and software design. The multimedia and web design sectors look certain to continue to grow […]