Unfortunately, there are no courses listed in our database in Singing. We are dealing with course providers on a continual basis, so please do check back again. Meanwhile, feel free to use some of the options below.
Computer science is the study of computers and computational systems. What is Computer Science? It is the study of algorithms, computer programs, and applications that allow computers to solve problems and perform tasks. Computer scientists design and analyze software, invent new computing technologies, and research how computing can make technological systems safer, more powerful, and […]
Zoology and zoo-keeping are very different fields. Zoology concentrates on the scientific study of animals whereas zoo-keepers look after animals. As a result, if you are applying for a course, it is important not to get them mixed up! Zoology covers everything from molecular makeup to the reasons behind the survival of certain species and […]
On 21st September 2020, the Royal Irish Academy hosted an Online Conversation, Perspectives and Pathways in a Time of Crisis, which explored a safe return to campus and the issue of how to ensure the protection of our communities, students and staff, as we embark on a new academic year in a time of Covid. […]
Have you got entrepreneurship and business skills? If the answer is no, but you’d love to start your own company, then a course in this field might be right up your alley. Entrepreneurs can offer innovative and profitable solutions to longstanding problems and inefficiencies. However, setting up your own business requires more than just a […]
What Makes A Great Teacher?: History is filled with classic stories of hero teachers. From Mr. Holland’s Opus, to Robin Williams’ portrayal of English teacher John Keating in Peter Weir’s Dead Poets Society through the wartime musical Goodbye Mr Chips, all the way to Mr. Miyagi. We’re all in awe of those remarkable teachers who […]
A popular misconception is that psychology is mainly emotive and involves a lot of psychobabble and self-help jargon: this is an extremely misleading view. Psychologists use scientific methods and empirical research to study human behaviour. They also examine how environmental and cultural factors help shape us. They then use this knowledge to help people overcome […]
What Skills Do I Need to Study Law? Are you thinking about studying law? Courses in law always appear near the top of the CAO points table and for most students who want to get a law degree the focus is doing well in the Leaving Certificate. However, while this is necessary it is also […]
When it comes to your Third Level studies – there are a lot of things to consider. It can be difficult to decide between potential fields of study, and even then, knowing which is the right course for you can be even harder. You still have to consider cost, location, campus amenities, work placement opportunities […]
The CAO application process officially closed last week with its Change of Mind facility and this week the CAO have released data on who applied for what at the close of the application process. This year there was an increase in 2021 CAO applicants. Increase in 2021 CAO Applicants Overall 2021 saw a rise in […]
When it comes to finding a job, the market is very competitive. Whether it’s a part-time retail gig to help you survive through college or your dream internship, there are a few things you need to know when it comes to your CV (Curriculum Vitae) preparation and writing the perfect cover letter. CV (Curriculum Vitae) […]