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Your time at University can be the best years of your life as you discover a whole other world to the one you have lived up until this point in your life – a world of new people, new knowledge, new ideas and new experiences. However, it can also be a pretty stressful time in […]
Have you ever thought about becoming a video game designer, developing visual content for games? Are you interested in playing a part in plotting a video game’s storyline, shaping its characters, creating its dialogue, managing its look and sculpting its sound? There is a team of people involved in the creation of video games and […]
Are you thinking of taking an undergraduate with a focus on Equine Studies? Ireland is known world-wide as a leader in the equine industry, and offers many opportunities to people interested in a career working with horses. The National Stud in Kildare receives stallions from all over the world who cover their mares, and foals […]
Ireland Ranks High for Higher Education – A new study from The Campus Advisor has ranked Ireland as fifth in the world for higher education. The Campus Advisor is the global network that allows you to discover the colleges and higher education that’s right for you. It surveyed thousands of students to find out the […]
Breathing Exercises for Stress: We’ve seen it in every film and TV series when a character is in shock or under pressure that someone tells them to “breathe deeply” in an effort to calm them down and help them recover. Yes, it’s a cliche but it’s a cliche that’s based on biological fact. When we […]
CAO data has revealed that there has been a rise in demand to study business and law while there has been a drop in demand for medicine and health courses. The CAO data provides a breakdown by discipline of the 78,025 applications submitted by February 1. Demand for Business and Law Courses Rise & Medicine […]
Are you thinking about choosing your qualification path? In the latest Whichcollege.ie article, Aoife Rogers explores how you can decide what option is right for you. Choosing Your Qualification Path – What You Need to Know As a child, deciding on your future career was an easy business. Your commitment to training was relatively low […]
For Leaving Cert students across Ireland, CAO Round 1 offers represent that long-awaited moment. Now that the results are in, it’s time to carefully weigh your options. Here’s some advice on navigating Round 1 offers: Options Don’t panic if you didn’t get your first choice course. Look objectively at the offer(s) you did receive. Could […]
Journalism is a high pressure, fast moving career. The news is constantly changing after all. Journalistic writing must have immediacy and topicality. This differentiates it from other forms of written expression. Journalists gather, assess, and report on the news. Newspapers provide a forum for public reflection and debate. Therefore they have an obligation to present […]
A popular misconception is that psychology is mainly emotive and involves a lot of psychobabble and self-help jargon: this is an extremely misleading view. Psychologists use scientific methods and empirical research to study human behaviour. They also examine how environmental and cultural factors help shape us. They then use this knowledge to help people overcome […]