Unfortunately, there are no courses listed in our database in Logistics & Transport. We are dealing with course providers on a continual basis, so please do check back again. Meanwhile, feel free to use some of the options below.
If you have an adventuring spirit, then why not consider a career in Maritime, Fisheries and Aquaculture? This is a profession with a history and pride that is both intriguing and legendary. Catching fish is not solely a way of earning livelihood – it is a way of life. These careers can take the route […]
There are several good reasons to attend college Open Days. Here we have a look at the benefits of visiting a college before signing up to study a course. Understand what a course is all about Our first reason may be the most important one: if you know what a course actually involves, you’re more […]
What is Sales and Retail? Sales and retail professionals work in a broad range of areas. These include e-business, media sales, technical sales, telesales and merchandising. In addition they work as shop assistants, account managers, and retail managers. Salespeople must have expertise in the products or services they sell, as well as be professional and […]
Campuses around Ireland are coming together this week to promote the first National Green Week. Colleges will be addressing the challenges facing the world and exploring how we can impact positively on the planet and people. There’s a wide range of events, activities and opportunities happening over the week so be sure to get involved […]
What is Architecture? Architecture combines the principles of art, engineering, and science. It also pays attention to the landscape, culture, environment, and functionality. Designing an attractive and user-friendly building is a challenging but rewarding job. What Courses Are Available? Degrees in Architecture are available from Dublin IT, UCC, UCD, University of Limerick, and Waterford IT. […]
On 21st September 2020, the Royal Irish Academy hosted an Online Conversation, Perspectives and Pathways in a Time of Crisis, which explored a safe return to campus and the issue of how to ensure the protection of our communities, students and staff, as we embark on a new academic year in a time of Covid. […]
Visiting university and institute of technology open days can help students immensely in choosing the right course and college for their future. If you’re planning to attend an Open Day, keep reading as we drop some tips on how make the Most of College Open Days: A Guide for Students and Parents/ Make the Most […]
With just over a week to go to this year’s Leaving Certificate, we take a quick look at how best to approach your final few days before the exams kick off with some last minute advice for Leaving Cert students. Last Minute Advice for Leaving Cert Students Revision Have a plan in place. At this stage […]
Human resource management works from the belief that a company’s most valuable assets are its employees. Therefore, HR managers manage the workforce, ideally in a beneficial and productive a manner. HR managers are responsible for recruitment, training, retaining and rewarding employees. In addition, the HR department tries to create the best possible working environment for […]
Your time at University can be the best years of your life as you discover a whole other world to the one you have lived up until this point in your life – a world of new people, new knowledge, new ideas and new experiences. However, it can also be a pretty stressful time in […]