Course Description

Youth Activities Worker

BTEI means Back to Education Initiative. BTEI gives unemployed adults the opportunity of returning to part time education, while retaining their benefit.

Skills to Compete is an initiative to support those who have lost their jobs because of COVID-19 and wish to re-enter the workforce. See here for details

This innovative two-year part time BTEI course examines the provision of youth work. The part time course aims to give training, up-skilling and confidence to learners enabling them to take up meaningful work in the youth work area, and/or pursue further studies.

The course will examine the theory and practice of youth work and outdoor education to help us better understand the potential of outdoor activities to deliver youth work outcomes.

The course will enable students to gain a critical awareness of the way in which youth work operates and how it can be supported through adventurous experiences.

Learners are also enabled to improve their communication skills, self-awareness, critical reflection, and interpersonal skills, all of which are central to working in a youth work and outdoor learning setting.

To equip students with the skills to work with young people in an outdoor environment, students will have the opportunity to gain experience in a variety of outdoor settings.

CollegeColáiste Dhúlaigh College of Further Education (CDCFE)
Course LocationCoolock, Dublin
Location PostcodeDublin 17
Course CategoryDevelopment Studies, Humanities & Social Sciences
Course TypeIn-house Training
Course QualificationLevel 5 Certificate
Awarding BodyQQI
Awarding Body DetailsYouth Activities Worker
Course Duration2 years part time
Course Time2 years part time programme (Autumn – May)
Course Fee€250
Entry Requirements*All BTEI applicants in receipt of, or a dependent of a Social Protection payment before starting the course will be eligible to have the *tuition wavered through the European Social Fund.

The aim is to give participants an opportunity to combine a return to learning with family, work and other responsibilities

Participants signing on for credits, on CE schemes or TUS may apply also.

All students who present for this course will be given individual guidance by qualified tutors who are able to make recommendations as to what courses may suit their learning needs.

ALL Students must apply for Garda Clearance.
Carear PathClick ‘Apply Now’ at the top of this page

Apply by selecting ‘Department Choice 1’ → ‘BTEI Courses’ and ‘Course Choice 1’ → ‘Youth Activities Worker (BTEI part time course)’

BTEI Coordinator: [email protected]
Course Code5M4732
For information about Coláiste Dhúlaigh College of Further Education (CDCFE), please visit their college page on by clicking here.

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    Coláiste Dhúlaigh College of Further Education (CDCFE)
    Barryscourt Road
    Coolock, Dublin
    Visit Website