Course Description


Are you interested in pressing global, national and local issues such as climate change, and hazard management? Do you want to make sense of our highly complex world and become an informed global citizen? Do you want to learn IT, field and laboratory techniques highly valued by employers such as Geographical Information Systems (GIS)? By studying Geography in UCD, you will understand the context in which environmental, socio-cultural and politicoeconomic decision-making takes place and develop skills that prepare you for the workplaces and societies of tomorrow.

Course LocationDublin
Course CategoryScience
Course TypeClassroom Based
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Course Provider


UCD Access and Lifelong Learning, Access and Lifelong Learning Centre, Level One, James Joyce Library Building, Belfield, Dublin, Ireland

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UCD Access and Lifelong Learning, Access and Lifelong Learning Centre
Level One, James Joyce Library Building, Belfield, Dublin
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