Course Description

General Learning

This course is free for those over 21 and in receipt of a social welfare payment*. Click here for more information and to check eligibility.

VTOS means Vocational Training Opportunities Scheme. VTOS gives unemployed adults over 21 the opportunity of returning to full time education, while retaining their benefit.

General Learning offers a chance to enhance your knowledge and skills in a broad range of subjects in a friendly and supportive environment.  Candidates who haven’t completed Leaving Certificate take up this course to complete their schooling, to try new subjects at an accessible level, as a stepping stone to further education, to improve employment prospects and to gain confidence.

Course Content

  • Mathematics
  • Communications
  • IT Skills
  • Personal Effectiveness
  • Work Experience
  • Intercultural Studies
  • Human Biology
  • Drawing/Painting
  • Word Processing
  • Historical Studies
CollegeColáiste Dhúlaigh College of Further Education (CDCFE)
Course LocationRaheny, Dublin
Location PostcodeDublin 5
Course CategoryCV (Curriculum Vitae) Preparation, Business
Course TypeIn-house Training
Course QualificationLevel 4 Certificate
Awarding BodyQQI
Awarding Body DetailsGeneral Learning
Course Duration1 year
Course Time1 year
Entry RequirementsAll VTOS applicants must be over 21 and in receipt of or a dependent of a Social Protection payment for at least 6 months before starting the course. Participation in a CE or FAS scheme counts in the calculation of six months once you must be in receipt of a relevant Social Protection payment immediately before starting the course.

Places are offered on this course based on interest in and experience of education. You will be given guidance on whether General Education will suit your learning needs.

“Don’t be afraid to take the first step! Going back to education was the best decision I made. The General Learning course is a really enjoyable course!J”

Sinead, 21yrs old, current student
Carear PathStudents who successfully complete the programme will be in a good position to progress onto further education. Many of our students have obtained places on Level 5 courses in the following areas: Computers, Healthcare, Childcare, Art & Design, Community Development, Science, Media & Communications.

“General Education is a great stepping stone towards third level after being out of the school system for over ten years.”
Robert, 28yrs old, current student
Course Code4M2010
For information about Coláiste Dhúlaigh College of Further Education (CDCFE), please visit their college page on by clicking here.

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    Coláiste Dhúlaigh College of Further Education (CDCFE)
    Barryscourt Road
    Coolock, Dublin
    Visit Website