Course Description

English Literature

Are you an enthusiastic reader and writer who wants to immerse yourself in literature ranging from Old English to new writing being published today? Do you want to explore the radical potential of novels, plays and poems to change lives? Would you like to analyse literary concepts and forms deeply, to creatively connect ideas across a wide range of cultures, periods, genres and media, and to develop your critical thinking and analytical skills to an advanced level? Would you like to study with world-class researchers and teachers, and develop your own unique research project? If so, the BA Humanities Degree in English is for you.

Course Location
Course CategoryEnglish Literature, Humanities & Social Sciences
For information about UCD, please visit their college page on by clicking here.

Course Provider


UCD Access and Lifelong Learning, Access and Lifelong Learning Centre, Level One, James Joyce Library Building, Belfield, Dublin, Ireland

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    UCD Access and Lifelong Learning, Access and Lifelong Learning Centre
    Level One, James Joyce Library Building, Belfield, Dublin
    Visit Website