Course Description

Emergency Care Studies (Community Health Services)(EMT)

This Emergency Care Studies course will assist those who plan on working in either the ambulance or fire service. Learners who successfully complete the course will gain essential knowledge and skills in areas relevant to these careers.

Kerry College now offers an EMT Training course to run parallel to the Pre-Emergency Care program (planned EMT training to commence January to May, one day per week). Being accepted to Kerry College for the Pre-Emergency Care program does not automatically entitle a learner to participate in the EMT Training.

Potential candidates must meet the entry requirements for the EMT program. They will need to be actively competing the QQI level 5 Pre-Emergency Care program, have attendance above 80%, be up-to-date with assignments and demonstrate an ability to manage the workload.

Higher Education opportunities may include: – BSc. Paramedic Training with Emergency Services Training Institute (PPHECC Accredited) – BSc. Paramedic University of Limerick – Paramedic Science in many UK Universities.

CollegeKerry College of Further Education & Training
Course LocationTralee, Kerry
Course CategoryPatient Care, Healthcare & Medicine
Course TypeClassroom Based
Course QualificationLevel 5 Certificate
Awarding BodyQQI
Awarding Body DetailsQQI Level 5 Major Award Certificate in Community Health Services (5M4468)
Course Start Date9th September 2024
Course End Date30th May 2025
Course Duration39 weeks
Course Fee0
Entry RequirementsApplicants should have reached the statutory school leaving age (16+).
Leaving Certificate, LCVP, LCA or a Level 4 Certificate

Mature applicant route available.
Good interpersonal and communication skills are essential, including verbal and written command of the English language to Common European Framework B1 or equivalent.
Applicants must express an interest in learning and practicing new skills.
Display a client focused personality and caring nature.
Display characteristics of a good team worker and be capable of self-directed learning.
Experience working in an care environment is an advantage but not a necessity.
Garda vetting is a requirement for this programme and participation is subject to a satisfactory outcome of the Garda vetting process.
Non-EU/EEA applicants must have permission to work in Ireland.
Carear PathThe overall aim of the programme is to provide the learner with the opportunity to develop the knowledge, skills and competence to work under supervision in a range of community health service settings or to progress to further and/or higher education and training.

What are the progression opportunities?
If you complete a QQI major award with Kerry College, you may use your results to progress to third level (University, Technological University or Institute of Technology). You should check individual university websites for specific entry criteria for courses.

There is a separate section on the CAO application for applying using your QQI results from Kerry College in the same way you use your Leaving Certificate results. You may also apply under the QQI Higher Education Links Scheme (HELS). A limited number of places are available each year.
Course Code411997
For information about Kerry College of Further Education & Training, please visit their college page on by clicking here.

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