Course Description

Certificate in Software Skills for Trust and Safety Professionals

Develop the industry-specific computer programming and machine learning skills to support Trust and Safety teams.

This Certificate in Software Skills programme is aimed at trust and safety or content moderation professionals who wish to develop technology-specific software skills with a focus on data processing and management theory, tools and techniques.

CollegeGriffith College Dublin (GCD)
Course LocationDublin
Location PostcodeDublin 8
Course CategoryComputing Science, Science
Course TypeBlended Learning - Mix of Classroom & Online
Course QualificationPostgraduate Diploma
Awarding BodyQQI
Awarding Body DetailsPostgraduate
Course Duration8 months
Course Fee€1500
Entry RequirementsApplicants are required to hold a minimum of an honours (NFQ level 8) primary degree with a 2.2 award, or equivalent. To facilitate the diversity of workers in the area, who range from Level 8 graduates in communications, languages, psychology and business studies, entry to the programme is for non-cognate NFQ level 8 qualification holders. It is expected that applicants for the Certificate would be working in the broad online trust, safety and content moderation environment.
Carear PathOn programme completion, learners are able to:

Explain the basic concepts of programming and how computer programmes work.
Implement a number of machine learning tasks including classification, prediction, regression, clustering and association rule learning.
Analyse the role of data visualisation in decision-making and apply the various visualisation techniques.
Evaluate the different forms of data storage, their need and use in a Trust and Safety environment.
Differentiate, analyse and evaluate: flat file systems, relational databases and big data storage technologies.
Design and modify workflow protocols for a content moderation team to better enable enforcement of policies.
Phone(01) 415 0400
Course CodeDirect Entry
For information about Griffith College Dublin (GCD), please visit their college page on by clicking here.

Course Provider

Griffith College Dublin (GCD)

South Circular Road, Dublin City South, Dublin, Republic of Ireland. Eircode: D08V04N

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    Griffith College Dublin (GCD)
    South Circular Road
    Dublin City South, Dublin
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