Course Description

BSc (Hons) Computing

This is the Digital Age and Computer Science lies at the heart of the Digital World. Computer Science Professionals play an integral part in the shaping of the exciting digital world of today and will continue to play a key role in shaping the future world that you will work, play, communicate and live in.

Computer Science provides you with expertise in a variety of exciting disciplines such as programming, networking, analytics, and cloud computing. One of the most important aspects of computer science is problem solving; an essential skill for life. When you develop knowledge and skills in these areas you will belong to a group of talented people, with highly sought-after qualifications and competencies.

Computer Science qualifications are global as they have no boundaries.  A degree in Computing will provide you with the opportunity to work in in a wide variety of sectors for companies at home and abroad.  Future opportunities in computing are varied  and with a computing degree your future in a creative, innovative industry is assured.

An exciting feature of this programme is that it incorporates a work placement.  This provides you with the opportunity to build practical skills in industry and gain ‘real-world’ experience that will provide you with a smooth transition to the workplace upon graduation. The BSc (Hons) in Computing will prepare you for a career in a wide variety of sectors. You will build skills, competence and knowledge in current technologies, gain practical work experience in a fast-growing area of a Computing sector of your choice.

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CollegeDublin Business School (DBS)
Course LocationDublin
Location PostcodeDublin 2
Course CategoryComputing, IT
Course TypeClassroom Based
Course QualificationHonours Bachelor Degree
Awarding BodyQQI
Awarding Body DetailsBSc (Hons) Computing
Course DurationFour years, with a 10 month work placement in year 3
Course TimeFull time, beginning in September 2024
Course Fee6,300
Entry Requirements2 H5 + 4 O6/H7, to include Mathematics (H7/O5) & English or another language
Carear PathGraduates will be equipped with the skills and knowledge that make them highly attractive to potential employers.

Employers are keen to employ graduates who have work experience and the work placement on this programme provides authentic industrial experience for learners. Therefore, a key feature is the industry relevant work placement that is built into the BSc (Hons) in Computing programme. The DBS Employer Liaison Officer works with learners to find them a relevant and meaningful work placement. The Careers Office is experienced in securing ICT work placements for a Level 8 ICT Skills conversion course with learners places in companies such as: Version1, Brandon Consulting, Zurich Insurance, Ezetop, Qualcom, BigRedCloud, Ergo and Storm Technology.
Course CodeDB500
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    13/14 Aungier Street
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