Course Description

BEng (Hons) in Civil Engineering (add on)

BEng (Hons) in Civil Engineering (add on); ; The final two years of the Honours BEng is available as an add-on programme for graduates who hold, or hope to hold, an Ordinary BEng in Civil Engineering.; ; Civil engineering is a dynamic industry, which is continuously evolving and changing. The civil engineering course at IT Sligo teaches the necessary skills for graduates to be active participants and leaders in this exciting industry. Graduates of this programme can also continue to postgraduate study at Masters or PhD level at IT Sligo or other third level colleges around the world.; ; This programme is accredited as meeting the educational standard required at Level 8 for Chartered Engineer Membership of Engineers Ireland.; ; ; ; Key Skills:; In the two years of the add-on degree the emphasis is on the core civil engineering topics. Subjects include:Environmental engineering; Geotechnical engineering and geology; Highway and traffic engineering; Hydraulic engineering; Project management and law; Structural mechanics, analysis and design; ; Click here to apply for this course

CollegeInstitute of Technology Sligo
Course LocationSligo
Course Category
Course TypeClassroom Based
Course QualificationHonours Bachelor Degree
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    Ash Lane
    Republic of Ireland
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