Course Description

Bachelor of EngineeringICT Engineering: (Computer Engineering or Network Management or Electronic Communications)

ICT is undergoing a resurgence with the release of low-cost microcontrollers and an exponential use of sensors as part of the Internet of Things. This will drive demand for engineers with the skill to design and integrate these sensor systems to appropriate software platforms.

AITs faculty of Engineering and Informatics is housed in one of the most modern and well-equipped facilities of its kind in Ireland. Lecturers have extensive industry experience which enriches their teaching skills and competencies. Having completed a range of modules in the ICT area, you are better able to select which area you would like to follow for later years.

CollegeAthlone Institute of Technology
Course LocationAthlone, Westmeath
Course CategoryIT Management, IT
Course QualificationHonours Bachelor Degree
Course Duration1 year
Course FeePOA
Entry RequirementsGrade 06 at ordinary level in 5 subjects in the Leaving Certificate exam. Two of these subjects must be Mathematics and a language (English or Irish). QQI (FETAC): Any QQI level 5 qualification is acceptable. Applicants to this programme are required, however, to have one of the following Mathematics modules 5N1833 or 5N18396 or 5N0556 or C21039 or C20174 or C20175 included in their award or alternatively have Leaving Certificate Mathematics.
Carear PathGraduates may gain employment in a variety of communications or software industries such as Intel and Ericsson,
Phone(0)90 646 8000
Course CodeAL701
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    Athlone Institute of Technology
    Dublin Road
    Athlone, Westmeath
    Republic of Ireland
    Visit Website