Course Description

Art – Portfolio Preparation

This one year course is designed to give students the skills necessary to develop a creative approach to Art, Craft and Design. Students are introduced to a wide range of skills, processes and techniques. They are encouraged to develop personal ideas and themes through drawing and a visual notebook. Advice will be given on portfolio selection and layout suitable for application to third level colleges.

CollegeGreenhills College
Course LocationWalkinstown, Dublin
Location PostcodeDublin 12
Course CategoryArt Portfolio, Art
Course TypeClassroom Based
Awarding BodyQQI
Course DurationSeptember to May
Course FeePOA
Carear PathSuccessful students may find employment in the world of Art and Design or progress to further education in third level colleges through the Higher Education Links Scheme.
Phone01 4507779
Course Code5M1985
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Course Provider

Greenhills College

Limekiln Avenue, Greenhills, Walkinstown, Dublin, Republic of Ireland

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    Greenhills College
    Limekiln Avenue
    Greenhills, Walkinstown, Dublin
    Republic of Ireland
    Visit Website