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Before starting college, many students often have various plans and activities they would like to pursue during the summer. We hope you have some great plans and make the most out of the next few months. Below we take a look at some of the things you can do this summer before you dive into […]
A virtual education fair is a great opportunity for prospective students to speak directly to a number of colleges and higher education institutions before committing to their third-level path. So, how can you make the most of this opportunity? We offer a few ideas and areas to help you to ask questions at education fairs […]
What is Business Information Systems? Business information systems (BIS) provide information that organizations can use to manage themselves more efficiently and effectively, typically through the use of computer systems and technology. Hardware, software, data, procedures (design, development, and documentation), and people are the primary components of business information systems. The worlds of business and technology […]
Game development is a viable career for those who love animation, coding and of course, gaming. Games are increasingly sophisticated. That may be due to the fact that the average gamer is between the ages of 32 and 36. Like gamers, the industry has matured. It is now a major source of revenue, outperforming even the […]
The Leaving Cert results process has gone through some major shifts in the past year – but how has this been sitting with students? According to research released last week by the Economic and Social Research Institute (ESRI) these changes have resulted in an increase in the number of students taking higher level subjects, although […]
Taxation studies are at the very core of what makes every economy tick over. Without tax we wouldn’t have hospitals, roads or third level education. Tax professionals provide crucial financial direction to Irish and multinational companies. In the civil service sector, the tax authorities play a key role in the battle against organised crime and […]
When it comes to your Third Level studies – there are a lot of things to consider. It can be difficult to decide between potential fields of study, and even then, knowing which is the right course for you can be even harder. You still have to consider cost, location, campus amenities, work placement opportunities […]
The Graduate Outcomes Survey: Class of 2021 has been published presenting the findings of a national analysis of higher education graduate outcomes in Ireland. The survey provides an insight into the next steps taken by graduates of 2021. Increase in Graduate Employment The findings make for positive reading confirming an increase in graduate employment with […]
The Central Applications Office (CAO) has released its latest data on first-preference applications for college courses, providing insights into the choices made by prospective third-level students. While education, law, and business courses continue to attract significant interest, the popularity of environmental studies has fallen. The CAO figures are based on data collected by July 1, […]
What is Accountancy? Accountancy, in a nutshell, is the process of managing all of an entity’s income and expenses. This definition can be broken down as the systematic process of measuring, summarizing, and communicating financial information generated by bookkeeping to classify and explain account information to relevant parties such as shareholders and managers for them […]