Unfortunately, there are no courses listed in our database in Ballyfermot. We are dealing with course providers on a continual basis, so please do check back again. Meanwhile, feel free to use some of the options below.
Following the government’s announcement on Friday afternoon that all universities and Institutes of Technology be placed at Level 3 of the Covid-19 alert framework for up to three weeks, concerns have been expressed over the short time students and colleges have to adapt to the restrictions . While colleges themselves will remain open with all […]
As this year’s Leaving Certificate exams start to wind down, it’s important that students now turn their attention to the CAO change of mind facility. The option will close on July 1st, so make sure you take this time to look over your choices and make sure you have laid out all your options […]
CAO data has revealed that there has been a rise in demand to study business and law while there has been a drop in demand for medicine and health courses. The CAO data provides a breakdown by discipline of the 78,025 applications submitted by February 1. Demand for Business and Law Courses Rise & Medicine […]
Zoology and zoo-keeping are very different fields. Zoology concentrates on the scientific study of animals whereas zoo-keepers look after animals. As a result, if you are applying for a course, it is important not to get them mixed up! Zoology covers everything from molecular makeup to the reasons behind the survival of certain species and […]
What is Public Relations? Some are born great, some achieve greatness, and some hire a public relations officer, noted the American social historian Daniel Boorstin. A public relations officer creates and maintains a positive relationship between an organisations and the public. They do this by communicating a positive image through various mediums. Public bodies, businesses, […]
What is QQI? QQI stands for Quality and Qualifications Ireland. It is the national agency responsible for quality assurance and qualifications in further and higher education and training in Ireland. What is QQI? QQI was established in 2012 under the Qualifications and Quality Assurance (Education and Training) Act. It brought together four predecessor organizations – […]
There are a number of different dentistry and dental hygiene careers. These include dental surgery, hygiene, dental technology, and nursing. Most dentists work as general practitioners. They handle a variety of dental needs. Others specialise in areas such as orthodontics, which can prove to be extremely lucrative. Dentists and dental hygienists safeguard the health of patients. […]
Following on from last week’s release of the 2022 Leaving Cert results, many students may be asking themselves the question ‘I’ve Got My Leaving Cert Results. What Do I Do Now?’ This year’s CAO Round 1 offers will be available online from 2pm on Thursday, 8th September and will also be issued by e-mail and […]
A new online survey has revealed the reality of life at school for 1,208 lesbian, gay, bisexual, trans, and queer (LGBTQ+) students across Ireland. The 2022 Irish School Climate Survey, conducted by Belong To in conjunction with Columbia University, is the largest-ever research into the experience of LGBTQ+ youth attending schools here. BeLonG To Youth Services […]
“Help! I Don’t Know What to Study in College!” Is this a worry of yours? Are you struggling to think about what you want do after the Leaving Cert. Well, first of all – don’t panic. Many people are in a similar situation and thinking the exact same thing, so don’t worry. Rather than seeing […]