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This year, registrations for HPAT – Ireland 2022 opened in November 2021 and will close on 21 January 2022 at 5.15pm GMT. Every year thousands of students register to take this test. Here we look into exactly What is HPAT – Ireland? What is HPAT – Ireland? It stands for Ireland Health Professions Admission Test – […]
“Help! I Don’t Know What to Study in College!” Is this a worry of yours? Are you struggling to think about what you want do after the Leaving Cert. Well, first of all – don’t panic. Many people are in a similar situation and thinking the exact same thing, so don’t worry. Rather than seeing […]
The history of film is littered with science fiction that explores the existence of Artificial Intelligence (AI). As far back as 1931 audiences bore witness to man’s creation as Dr Frankenstein shrieked the immortal line “It’s alive”. Of course, the reason to explore such creations is to lay out the dystopian narrative that posits a […]
The Higher Education Access Route (HEAR) is an admissions scheme in Ireland that offers places in higher education courses to school leavers from socio-economically disadvantaged backgrounds. What is Higher Education Access Route (HEAR)? It helps students who face social or economic barriers get admitted to college degree programs across universities, institutes of technology, and other […]
With the 2022 CAO Application form opening on the 5th of November at 12:00, it’s time to really start thinking about the question ‘What Should I Study in College?’ and prepare yourself to make the right choices when choosing what you would like to study in college. Below we look at a few things to […]
Computer science is the study of computers and computational systems. What is Computer Science? It is the study of algorithms, computer programs, and applications that allow computers to solve problems and perform tasks. Computer scientists design and analyze software, invent new computing technologies, and research how computing can make technological systems safer, more powerful, and […]
A popular misconception is that psychology is mainly emotive and involves a lot of psychobabble and self-help jargon: this is an extremely misleading view. Psychologists use scientific methods and empirical research to study human behaviour. They also examine how environmental and cultural factors help shape us. They then use this knowledge to help people overcome […]
In this economy, it’s not easy living away from home. What makes a hard task even harder is when you’re being treated badly by a landlord. But when it comes to accommodation, what are your rights? What are my rights in the rental market? You should never have to live in squalor. If your home […]
What is QQI? QQI stands for Quality and Qualifications Ireland. It is the national agency responsible for quality assurance and qualifications in further and higher education and training in Ireland. What is QQI? QQI was established in 2012 under the Qualifications and Quality Assurance (Education and Training) Act. It brought together four predecessor organizations – […]
A new online survey has revealed the reality of life at school for 1,208 lesbian, gay, bisexual, trans, and queer (LGBTQ+) students across Ireland. The 2022 Irish School Climate Survey, conducted by Belong To in conjunction with Columbia University, is the largest-ever research into the experience of LGBTQ+ youth attending schools here. BeLonG To Youth Services […]