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Should Students Have a LinkedIn Account? LinkedIn is often seen as the social networking for professionals. And while it’s true that the platform is mainly used for professional networking, it would be a mistake to think that you can’t make it work for you as a student. Not only can it be an invaluable resource […]
Mark Godfrey looks at the worrying phenomenon in education today: fake universities and bogus qualifications. Fake degree certificates for UK universities can be bought on the Internet for as little as £30. The “universities” offering the bogus qualifications claim the certificates can “fool anyone” and offer transcripts and student records as optional extras. Others are […]
The CAO application process officially closed last week with its Change of Mind facility and this week the CAO have released data on who applied for what at the close of the application process. This year there was an increase in 2021 CAO applicants. Increase in 2021 CAO Applicants Overall 2021 saw a rise in […]
What is BioScience? BioScience is any science that deals with the structure and behavior of living organisms These sciences encompass a broad area of specialist subjects linked to the study of living organisms and the science behind ‘life’. Bioscience courses cover a number of different areas, such as biology botany biotechnology genetics microbiology molecular biology, biophysics, and biochemistry ornithology plant science psychology sport […]
When it comes to finding a job, the market is very competitive. Whether it’s a part-time retail gig to help you survive through college or your dream internship, there are a few things you need to know when it comes to your CV (Curriculum Vitae) preparation and writing the perfect cover letter. CV (Curriculum Vitae) […]
If you are considering a career in the aviation industry, you need certain personal qualities. The most important of these is attention to detail. Hundreds of lives depend on the ability of pilots, air traffic controllers and maintenance engineers. Cabin crew roles may not have the same level of responsibility, but they work long hours and […]
What is Business Studies? Accountancy, finance, marketing, organizational studies, and operations are all components of business studies. Business studies is a broad social science subject that allows for in-depth study of a variety of specialties such as accounting, finance, organization, human resource management, and marketing. Business Studies or commerce courses are ideal for students who […]
The CAO Online Application Facility for 2024 is now open for students. Closing Date for Applications is the 1st February at 5pm. Students applying to CAO listed courses should make their application as soon as possible in order to avail of the discounted registration fee of €30 (Available until 5 PM on January 20th). Registration […]
Are you a wannabe musician? Isn’t it time perhaps you got that music star dream out in the open and do something about it. Like taking your guitar out of the wardrobe and learning to play it properly? There are so many lessons and training programmes out there for those reluctant rock stars or concert […]
The Disability Access Route to Education (DARE) is an initiative in Ireland designed to support students with disabilities in gaining access to higher education. DARE is a college and university admissions scheme that offers an alternative admissions route for eligible students who have experienced additional educational challenges due to a disability. What is Disability Access […]