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Ireland Ranks High for Higher Education – A new study from The Campus Advisor has ranked Ireland as fifth in the world for higher education. The Campus Advisor is the global network that allows you to discover the colleges and higher education that’s right for you. It surveyed thousands of students to find out the […]
Before starting college, many students often have various plans and activities they would like to pursue during the summer. We hope you have some great plans and make the most out of the next few months. Below we take a look at some of the things you can do this summer before you dive into […]
Are you starting college this year? Are you wondering about further and higher education grants. Have you heard people talking about SUSI but you’re not sure what it is or where to start. Whichcollege.ie is here to help as we answer the question, What is SUSI? What is SUSI? SUSI stands for Student Universal Support Ireland. […]
Your time at University can be the best years of your life as you discover a whole other world to the one you have lived up until this point in your life – a world of new people, new knowledge, new ideas and new experiences. However, it can also be a pretty stressful time in […]
What is Sales and Retail? Sales and retail professionals work in a broad range of areas. These include e-business, media sales, technical sales, telesales and merchandising. In addition they work as shop assistants, account managers, and retail managers. Salespeople must have expertise in the products or services they sell, as well as be professional and […]
This year, registrations for HPAT – Ireland 2022 opened in November 2021 and will close on 21 January 2022 at 5.15pm GMT. Every year thousands of students register to take this test. Here we look into exactly What is HPAT – Ireland? What is HPAT – Ireland? It stands for Ireland Health Professions Admission Test – […]
The Higher Education Access Route (HEAR) is an admissions scheme in Ireland that offers places in higher education courses to school leavers from socio-economically disadvantaged backgrounds. What is Higher Education Access Route (HEAR)? It helps students who face social or economic barriers get admitted to college degree programs across universities, institutes of technology, and other […]
Coding is everywhere. It is all around us. We depend on it to do almost everything these days. Every electronic machine we use and every thing we use it for depends on coding. So let’s take a deeper look and ask the question: What is Coding? At its most basic – coding is telling a […]
Last week the CAO website opened its online applications for college places for the 2022 academic year. This year’s application process has extended beyond third level education to include increased options across higher education, further education and training, and apprenticeships for school leavers and other applicants. The CAO website will function as a portal for […]
The Central Applications Office (CAO) has released its latest data on first-preference applications for college courses, providing insights into the choices made by prospective third-level students. While education, law, and business courses continue to attract significant interest, the popularity of environmental studies has fallen. The CAO figures are based on data collected by July 1, […]