Unfortunately, there are no courses listed in our database in Occupational First Aid. We are dealing with course providers on a continual basis, so please do check back again. Meanwhile, feel free to use some of the options below.
Back in 2009, the Sultan of Brunei paid £15,000 for his favourite barber, who usually charges £30, to fly in luxury from London. It goes to show that a talented hairstylist can expect very loyal customers! A recent survey found that beauticians and hairdressers are some of the happiest workers in the UK. That is […]
In this economy, it’s not easy living away from home. What makes a hard task even harder is when you’re being treated badly by a landlord. But when it comes to accommodation, what are your rights? What are my rights in the rental market? You should never have to live in squalor. If your home […]
Do you want a long-lasting career with transferable skills? Project management is an essential process in that it adds order and structure to organisations or companies and how you carry out their projects, whether internally or externally. Effective project management training is vital to ensure that you have the right skills and knowledge when it […]
‘Tis the season of joy and gifting, and if you’re on the hunt for the perfect presents for the students in your life, look no further! From tech-savvy gadgets to cozy essentials, our curated list of 10 Great Christmas Gift Ideas for Students is here to spark inspiration and spread a little holiday cheer. Let […]
A popular misconception is that psychology is mainly emotive and involves a lot of psychobabble and self-help jargon: this is an extremely misleading view. Psychologists use scientific methods and empirical research to study human behaviour. They also examine how environmental and cultural factors help shape us. They then use this knowledge to help people overcome […]
For many students, this week is mid-term and is the perfect opportunity to recharge batteries, take stock of your studies so far and look ahead to ensure you are going in the right direction and will reach your targets. And yes, while it’s called a break, mid-term is most definitely not a holiday! Rather it […]
What is Sales and Retail? Sales and retail professionals work in a broad range of areas. These include e-business, media sales, technical sales, telesales and merchandising. In addition they work as shop assistants, account managers, and retail managers. Salespeople must have expertise in the products or services they sell, as well as be professional and […]
Game development is a viable career for those who love animation, coding and of course, gaming. Games are increasingly sophisticated. That may be due to the fact that the average gamer is between the ages of 32 and 36. Like gamers, the industry has matured. It is now a major source of revenue, outperforming even the […]
When it comes to finding a job, the market is very competitive. Whether it’s a part-time retail gig to help you survive through college or your dream internship, there are a few things you need to know when it comes to your CV (Curriculum Vitae) preparation and writing the perfect cover letter. CV (Curriculum Vitae) […]
The CAO is now open for applications. The Central Applications Office processes applications for undergraduate courses in Irish Higher Education Institutions (HEIs). Decisions on admissions to undergraduate courses are made by the HEIs who instruct CAO to make offers to successful candidates. When it comes to Making Your CAO Application, you should carefully read the […]