Unfortunately, there are no courses listed in our database in Games Development. We are dealing with course providers on a continual basis, so please do check back again. Meanwhile, feel free to use some of the options below.
Last Friday, thousands of students received their CAO offers. Regardless of what the outcome was, it is important to remember that the CAO is just one path you can take. If your first round offer does not meet your expectations, be sure that there are many other options available. If you don’t get what you […]
A popular misconception is that psychology is mainly emotive and involves a lot of psychobabble and self-help jargon: this is an extremely misleading view. Psychologists use scientific methods and empirical research to study human behaviour. They also examine how environmental and cultural factors help shape us. They then use this knowledge to help people overcome […]
Mark Godfrey looks at the worrying phenomenon in education today: fake universities and bogus qualifications. Fake degree certificates for UK universities can be bought on the Internet for as little as £30. The “universities” offering the bogus qualifications claim the certificates can “fool anyone” and offer transcripts and student records as optional extras. Others are […]
Tomorrow, 1st February is a big date for students applying to third-level undergraduate courses in Ireland through the CAO (Central Applications Office). It is the CAO Normal Closing Date for Applications… and remember to have your application in by 5pm! Unless you are applying for a restricted course then remember these are not your final […]
CAO Round One Offers – What Do I Do Now? At this stage you should have received your Leaving Cert results (issued on Friday 3rd September) directly through the candidate self-service portal and today (7th September) the CAO issued the first round offer of places. Below we explore the question: CAO Round One Offers […]
A new online survey has revealed the reality of life at school for 1,208 lesbian, gay, bisexual, trans, and queer (LGBTQ+) students across Ireland. The 2022 Irish School Climate Survey, conducted by Belong To in conjunction with Columbia University, is the largest-ever research into the experience of LGBTQ+ youth attending schools here. BeLonG To Youth Services […]
Here at whichcollege.ie, we’d like to congratulate all students and staff across the country for getting through the last few months and coping with the most challenging opening academic term. You should all feel proud of your accomplishments, taking on your studies through COVID-19. We’d like to wish you a very happy holiday and some […]
When it comes to finding a job, the market is very competitive. Whether it’s a part-time retail gig to help you survive through college or your dream internship, there are a few things you need to know when it comes to your CV (Curriculum Vitae) preparation and writing the perfect cover letter. CV (Curriculum Vitae) […]
Suppose you spend 3 hours every weeknight studying. Then add another 8 hours for the weekend and you’ve got at least a 100 hours of study a month, each month, in the run up to the Leaving Cert. This is a fairly significant amount of time, and if managed properly, it allows for a great […]
What is Mechanical Engineering Mechanical engineering involves the design and manufacture, as well as operation of all kinds of components, products, machines, and systems. A project could be a new coffee maker to a robotic manufacturing line. Mechanical engineers are necessary for the production of most inventions and developments. What Courses Are Available? There are […]