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Are you a wannabe musician? Isn’t it time perhaps you got that music star dream out in the open and do something about it. Like taking your guitar out of the wardrobe and learning to play it properly? There are so many lessons and training programmes out there for those reluctant rock stars or concert […]
The Leaving Cert is over and after a long and challenging year you deserve a break this summer before your next journey starts at college. And what better way to relax than sinking into a good book. Let yourself be transported into the world of words and the imaginations of the best writers. If you’re […]
UCAS (Universities and Colleges Admissions Service) is the central organization in the UK that manages applications to undergraduate university and college courses. What is UCAS? UCAS allows students to submit a single application for up to 5 courses at UK universities and colleges. Students apply through the main UCAS scheme for courses starting in the […]
The Leaving Cert – the tears, the laughter – is opening soon at an exam hall near you. By this stage, you are probably fantasising about creative ways to destroy your textbooks when the whole nightmare… ahem…valuable learning experience finally comes to a close. But if you are to have a truly happy summer in […]
Should Students Have a LinkedIn Account? LinkedIn is often seen as the social networking for professionals. And while it’s true that the platform is mainly used for professional networking, it would be a mistake to think that you can’t make it work for you as a student. Not only can it be an invaluable resource […]
What is Animal Welfare? Animal welfare is defined by an animal being in a good state of health, comfort, nourishment, safety, natural behavior and is not suffering from pain, fear, or distress. Animal welfare pertains to the living conditions of animals who are kept in captivity or are otherwise under human control and how the […]
A new online survey has revealed the reality of life at school for 1,208 lesbian, gay, bisexual, trans, and queer (LGBTQ+) students across Ireland. The 2022 Irish School Climate Survey, conducted by Belong To in conjunction with Columbia University, is the largest-ever research into the experience of LGBTQ+ youth attending schools here. BeLonG To Youth Services […]
Journalism is a high pressure, fast moving career. The news is constantly changing after all. Journalistic writing must have immediacy and topicality. This differentiates it from other forms of written expression. Journalists gather, assess, and report on the news. Newspapers provide a forum for public reflection and debate. Therefore they have an obligation to present […]
What is Quantity Surveying? Quantity surveying and construction management is a varied and interesting career. All construction projects must be carefully planned. That’s true whether you are building a house or a Luas line. Quantity surveyors formulate a budget and ensure project costs don’t spiral. They assess each stage of the process and examine costs […]
Have you ever thought about becoming a video game designer, developing visual content for games? Are you interested in playing a part in plotting a video game’s storyline, shaping its characters, creating its dialogue, managing its look and sculpting its sound? There is a team of people involved in the creation of video games and […]