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The history of film is littered with science fiction that explores the existence of Artificial Intelligence (AI). As far back as 1931 audiences bore witness to man’s creation as Dr Frankenstein shrieked the immortal line “It’s alive”. Of course, the reason to explore such creations is to lay out the dystopian narrative that posits a […]
Today, Monday 7th September 2020, over 60,000 students received their Leaving Cert results, this year delivered in the form of a calculated grades system. This system works to establish a student’s grade by using a process of combining teacher assessment, which is then sent to the Dept of Education for standardisation and a final grade […]
For many students, this week is mid-term and is the perfect opportunity to recharge batteries, take stock of your studies so far and look ahead to ensure you are going in the right direction and will reach your targets. And yes, while it’s called a break, mid-term is most definitely not a holiday! Rather it […]
Zoology and zoo-keeping are very different fields. Zoology concentrates on the scientific study of animals whereas zoo-keepers look after animals. As a result, if you are applying for a course, it is important not to get them mixed up! Zoology covers everything from molecular makeup to the reasons behind the survival of certain species and […]
What is QQI? QQI stands for Quality and Qualifications Ireland. It is the national agency responsible for quality assurance and qualifications in further and higher education and training in Ireland. What is QQI? QQI was established in 2012 under the Qualifications and Quality Assurance (Education and Training) Act. It brought together four predecessor organizations – […]
Being of a religious persuasion is not a prerequisite for these courses. Theology and Religious Studies attracts just as many non-believers as devotees. Student learn about the theory, contexts and debates concerning the different religions. They also look at the effects religious belief has on the world. As a result, this is an enthralling and […]
It’s been a challenging year and we’re all looking forward to the Christmas Holidays. If you plan ahead it’s the perfect time to both look back and look forward and do the right things that will prepare you for next year’s Leaving Certificate. So below we take a look at a few tips for Leaving […]
The Graduate Outcomes Survey: Class of 2021 has been published presenting the findings of a national analysis of higher education graduate outcomes in Ireland. The survey provides an insight into the next steps taken by graduates of 2021. Increase in Graduate Employment The findings make for positive reading confirming an increase in graduate employment with […]
What is Accountancy? Accountancy, in a nutshell, is the process of managing all of an entity’s income and expenses. This definition can be broken down as the systematic process of measuring, summarizing, and communicating financial information generated by bookkeeping to classify and explain account information to relevant parties such as shareholders and managers for them […]
Have you ever thought about becoming a video game designer, developing visual content for games? Are you interested in playing a part in plotting a video game’s storyline, shaping its characters, creating its dialogue, managing its look and sculpting its sound? There is a team of people involved in the creation of video games and […]