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With the 2022 CAO Application form opening on the 5th of November at 12:00, it’s time to really start thinking about the question ‘What Should I Study in College?’ and prepare yourself to make the right choices when choosing what you would like to study in college. Below we look at a few things to […]
So you might not have gotten your first choice on your CAO, or perhaps you are dying for a change of scenery. Whatever your reasoning, here are some of the more…. unexpected benefits of studying in the UK. 1) Throw your own Pity Party Elicit sympathy from your friends and relatives by wrapping yourself in […]
The Leaving Cert – the tears, the laughter – is opening soon at an exam hall near you. By this stage, you are probably fantasising about creative ways to destroy your textbooks when the whole nightmare… ahem…valuable learning experience finally comes to a close. But if you are to have a truly happy summer in […]
Are you thinking that a future in teaching primary school might be for you? There are five Colleges of Education for primary teacher training in Ireland. Four of these – St Patrick’s College, the Church of Ireland College of Education, Coláiste Mhuire and Maynooth University Froebel College of Education – are based in Dublin, while […]
Ireland Ranks High for Higher Education – A new study from The Campus Advisor has ranked Ireland as fifth in the world for higher education. The Campus Advisor is the global network that allows you to discover the colleges and higher education that’s right for you. It surveyed thousands of students to find out the […]
Are you a wannabe musician? Isn’t it time perhaps you got that music star dream out in the open and do something about it. Like taking your guitar out of the wardrobe and learning to play it properly? There are so many lessons and training programmes out there for those reluctant rock stars or concert […]
Are you thinking of applying for a creative course? Have you always dreamed of being a filmmaker/architect or fashion designer? Most students only have to worry about the points they get in their Leaving Cert. However, for some college courses, there is a whole other leg to the application process. If there’s one word that can […]
In this economy, it’s not easy living away from home. What makes a hard task even harder is when you’re being treated badly by a landlord. But when it comes to accommodation, what are your rights? What are my rights in the rental market? You should never have to live in squalor. If your home […]
On 21st September 2020, the Royal Irish Academy hosted an Online Conversation, Perspectives and Pathways in a Time of Crisis, which explored a safe return to campus and the issue of how to ensure the protection of our communities, students and staff, as we embark on a new academic year in a time of Covid. […]
New research shows that the COVID-19 pandemic has had a detrimental effect on the mental health of young Irish adults. Growing Up in Ireland COVID-19 survey has been published by the ESRI and produced in partnership with the Department of Children, Equality, Disability, Integration and Youth (DCEDIY). Poor mental health Carried out in December 2020 […]