Transition Year

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Have you just finished your Junior Cert and wouldn’t care if you never had to look at another textbook or revise for another exam in your life? Well, luckily, you have the whole summer to relax, unwind and get yourself ready for…well, more study, more revision, and yet more exams! Unless of course all that studying has made you decide on having a year off from the rigours of exam preparation and constant assignment deadlines and opt for a more hands-on approach to your learning experience instead by taking a transition year.

Transition year is an optional year that bridges the gap between junior cert and leaving cert learning. It prepares students for “real-life” by developing the transferable skills needed for the workplace and in most contexts of adult life. It is not simply another year of school since a lot of the learning takes place outside of the classroom – on field trips, work experience placements, community placements, and even during outdoors activities such as canoeing or camping! There are many things we can learn about ourselves, each other, and the world in everyday life!

In the past students have visited museums, theatres, factories; gone hill-walking, mountain climbing and camping. Transition students have unfurled the largest banner in the world on Dollymount Strand in County Dublin. In other words, it introduces students to the idea that learning is not simply confined to the classroom. Read on. . . is a national database of universities, colleges, institutes and providers of third level and PLC courses in Ireland. We operate a national search database of courses at certificate, diploma and degree level as well as providing information about career paths and directions.
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