Course Description

Certificate in Business

The Certificate in Business is an exit award. The Certificate in Business is a full-time, one year programme. It introduces students to the world of business studies and combines elements of management, finance, marketing, economics, information technology, and a range of quantitative techniques for business.

This course provides a firm foundation in understanding business. Like all American College Dublin qualifications, there is a strong emphasis on different theories and practices within the business world. Classes are interactive environments in which students are encouraged to exchange ideas and experiences. The teaching method focuses on developing practical skills that can be applied to any type of business. Graduates can work in a wide range of business areas, such as accounts, administration, finance, marketing and operations. They also have the opportunity to resume their studies at a later date.

CollegeAmerican College Dublin
Course LocationDublin
Location PostcodeDublin 2
Course CategoryBusiness Studies, Business
Course QualificationLevel 1 Certificate
Course Duration1 year
Course FeePOA
Entry RequirementsAmerican College Dublin has two intakes per year: in September and January. Applicants may apply directly to the Admissions office at American College Dublin Applicants whose first language is not English should have an IELTS score of 5.5 (or equivalent).
Carear PathGraduates from the Certificate in International Business provides students with the opportunity to work after their studies in areas including: Accountancy/Finance International Finance Advertising Banking, Human resource management Management Marketing Students who complete our Certificate programme can progress on to the Diploma in International Business, and from there onto the Degree in International Business.
Phone353 1 676 8939
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    Republic of Ireland
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